December 21st, 2022
Meet the latest enhancements to Inflectra’s Quality Management platform - Spira. The newest release in 2022, Spira v7.3, holds noteworthy improvements to the Agile Planning Boards. This webinar was presented by Adam Sandman, the CEO of Inflectra, on December 20, 2022.
Read more to view the recording.
Read MoreDecember 20th, 2022
We are excited to share a recap of our first Lightning Session in Inflectra’s newest series. This first event in our latest initiative is titled How To Turbo-Charge Your Test Management with SpiraTest.
Continue to view the recording.
Read MoreDecember 19th, 2022
As we explained in our announcement for Rapise 7.3, Google is in the process of phasing out its older plugin system (called Manifest V2) in favor of a new plugin architecture (Manifest V3). This new architecture has higher security, but means that automated testing tools (like Rapise) will not be able to record or play tests using such plugins. This, together with some other breaking changes in Chrome, mean now is the time you need to switch browser libraries in Chrome.
Read MoreDecember 13th, 2022
One of the biggest misnomers in software projects is that quality and quality assurance is the same thing as testing, which is a big misconception. Quality encompasses a much larger responsibility, including the quality of an organization’s processes, people, training, systems and culture.
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December 7th, 2022
Agile Testing Days 2022 in Potsdam was another success story for the agile and software tester communities. The three-day conference delivered, once again, what it promised: new and exciting talks, myriad community-building activities, excellent networking and vendor engagement opportunities, and food and drink in copious quantities.
December 7th, 2022
The end of 2022 has been busy yet victorious for Inflectra. The business has achieved several key goals, including the launch of our new accelerators, the launch of Teams, Tracks, and Agile Planning Boards in Spira v7.3, and maintaining engagement with our users and followers through webinars and presentations hosted by our in-house talent. To wrap up 2022 on a positive note, we want to share some of the extra publications and events Inflectra has contributed towards.
December 6th, 2022
We are excited to be releasing the public beta version of the long-awaited agile planning board revamp for SpiraTeam and SpiraPlan in early December. In preparation for that, we wanted to provide a preview of the new user interface and design. Since our original blog post highlighting the new features, the UI has undergone some major revisions and updates, so in this article we're including screenshots of the current release candidate.
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