October 23, 2024
In our recent two-part webinar series, hosted by our partner Vladimir Plotkin at Imarsys, we uncovered the keys to mastering IEC62304 compliance for medical device software and how this applies in SpiraPlan. If you're navigating the complex world of regulatory standards, this series is essential viewing. Dive into the highlights below to see why meeting IEC62304 requirements is critical to your success, and don't miss the chance to watch the full sessions!
Read MoreAugust 5, 2024
Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced on July 25th, 2024 that it is deprecating AWS CodeCommit, and advising its customers to migrate to an alternate Git platform. Many of our customers use AWS services including CodeCommit, and have been asking us for alternatives. In this article we describe the recent AWS news and outline how you can easily migrate your AWS CodeCommit repositories to Inflectra TaraVault and also integrate other AWS code offerings such as CodeBuild and CodePipeline.
Read MoreJune 24, 2024
If you're looking for insights into the future of AI and cloud technology, Inflectra's participation at GITEX Africa 2024 offers a fresh outlook, providing a glimpse into:
Read more!
Read MoreMay 28, 2024
Artificial intelligence is no longer a buzzword in software development – it is a transformative force reshaping how we create, test, and deliver products. Our recent InflectraCON 360 event, "Software Delivery at the Speed of AI," pulled back the curtain on how AI is accelerating the entire software development lifecycle. From smarter, faster testing to AI-generated code that's changing the very nature of quality assurance, the impact is undeniable. Continue reading to watch the recording, read highlights, and more.
Read MoreOctober 27, 2023
In a recent webinar, we teamed up with Coveros to present an insightful session on leveraging the synergy of Spira and GitHub. This event emphasized the significance of integrating these powerful platforms and the transformative impact it could have on development and delivery workflows. Our collaboration highlighted our shared dedication to equipping our community with the tools, insights, and integrations that not only simplify tasks but also amplify their effectiveness. Continue reading to see the recording, highlights, and more.
October 25, 2023
GITEX GLOBAL brings together the world’s most innovative enterprises and best minds to elevate business, economy, society and culture. GITEX GLOBAL 2023 marks The Year to Imagine AI in Everything, supercharging the epic global race for AI supremacy by revealing unmissable prophecies and expert perspectives about its impact. Inflectra was honored to attend this years conference and present its range of AI-enabled tools for quality and agile program management to world stage. Learn more about the event and the connections we made.
Read More
September 8, 2023
Rapise v8.0 has finally been unveiled to the tech community! Recognized widely as a pinnacle in the realm of test automation tools, with a rich array of innovative features and fine-tuned enhancements seamlessly integrated into its design, the tool promises an elevated level of usability and adaptability. From novice users to seasoned testers, everyone can expect a smoother and more efficient testing experience. Continue reading to see a recap of our recent webinar where our experts provided a comprehensive overview of this new release and set the stage for what users can anticipate in their automation journeys using Rapise v8.0.
July 5, 2023
Software development has become the driving force behind innovation and success in the digital era. Organizations must embrace best practices that optimize their development processes and deliver superior software products to thrive in this dynamic landscape. From planning to deployment, we'll explore techniques, features, and strategies that empower teams to build robust and scalable applications. Let’s uncover actionable insights to accelerate development cycles and ensure success in today's competitive environment.
May 18, 2023
Únete a la nueva iniciativa de Inflectra: Ingeniería de Calidad con Plataformas Inflectra – Sesiones Relámpago. Sesiones Relámpago son una serie de demos de los productos estelares de Inflectra: Spira* y Rapise.
Durante estas sesiones de 30 minutos impartidas en inglés y español, discutiremos la mejor manera de superar desafíos de ingeniería de calidad utilizando Spira y Rapise en tiempos de incertidumbre, específicamente en estos tiempos problemáticos de recesión en curso.
May 16, 2023
Shipping with confidence is hard. Even leveraging all best practices, Digital Leaders and Testers may only feel 99% confident their release will be bug-free. Getting that additional 0.9% is painstakingly time-consuming.
Read on to learn how Appsurify helps testers significantly increase confidence without additional effort so QA can ship earlier and faster using their AI-powered risk based testing tool, TestBrain.
April 19, 2023
AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) refer to the use of computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as understanding natural language, recognizing images, making predictions, and learning from experience. More specifically, “artificial intelligence” is an umbrella term that includes a variety of subcategories, such as machine learning, natural language processing, machine vision, and more (similar to our basic senses).
Read MoreApril 5, 2023
Inflectra is proud to introduce a new user engagement program called Inflectra Ninjas.
Inflectra Ninjas is a series of hour-long workshops where Inflectra’s technical support team, Devs, and testers help customers find solutions to their real-world challenges. This unscripted, some-to-many technical assistance drop-in will help facilitate a quicker adoption and ease of use of Inflectra’s flagship products: Spira and Rapise.
Read more and sign up for upcoming sessions.
Read MoreJanuary 24, 2023
The Inflectra team continued our Lightning Sessions series focusing on Rapid & Easy Test Automation Using Rapise. In this session, Inflectra’s experts demo'd our award winning test automation tool (Rapise) and went over product plans for 2023. This webinar took place on January 11, 2023.
Read more to see the recording.
Read MoreDecember 19, 2022
As we explained in our announcement for Rapise 7.3, Google is in the process of phasing out its older plugin system (called Manifest V2) in favor of a new plugin architecture (Manifest V3). This new architecture has higher security, but means that automated testing tools (like Rapise) will not be able to record or play tests using such plugins. This, together with some other breaking changes in Chrome, mean now is the time you need to switch browser libraries in Chrome.
Read MoreNovember 22, 2022
On November 22, 2022, Inflectra hosted Rapise v7.4 Webinar: Web Components, AgGrid, Mixed-Mode and 64-Bit Apps. This event was led by one of our Senior Software Engineers, Alexey Grinevich, and our Principal Software Engineer, Denis Markovtsev.
View more to see the topics covered, full recording, and presentation!
Read MoreOctober 27, 2022
One of the major new features in Rapise 7.4 is the support for the popular AG Grid. Born out of frustration with existing solutions, the AG Grid evolved from a side project to becoming the leading JavaScript datagrid on the market. It supports all the major JavaScript frameworks, including React, Angular, Vue and Plain JavaScript. Due to its complexity, the grid is often painful to test with hard-written Selenium automation code, but the new support for AG Grid makes it simple to test using Rapise. Learn More!
October 26, 2022
We just recently released the latest version of our Rapise test automation solution, Rapise 7.4. This version has two main, marquee new features - support for HTML web components and the popular AG Grid. In addition, this new version has three other very important test automation enhancements: support for 64-bit desktop applications (both Java and .NET), streamlined cross-application recording, and support for the testing of embedded UI apps.
October 25, 2022
As you may remember, we recently introduced support for Shadow DOM in Rapise 7.3. Now with the release of Rapise 7.4 we take the Shadow DOM support to the next level and also enable support for another technology from the Web Components suite: HTML Templates; to be more specific - for SLOT element. Let’s deep dive into the details of Web Components as well as the new SLOT element, and how Rapise supports them for automated web testing.
August 25, 2022
A crucial part of software development, the quality of your API testing can have a huge impact on the final product, as well as the timeline and budget. APIs help pieces of software communicate and share data, meaning that testing them to ensure quality and reliability is paramount. To understand all of the benefits that come from this testing, we’ll go through some of the most significant factors before detailing the different types of testing that might match your situation. Lastly, we’ll cover how to approach the testing process and the common types of API technologies that you might come across or use.
June 23, 2022
In December of 2020, the Google Chrome browser team made a major announcement - the release of Google Chrome Manifest 3. This new version of Chrome is designed to radically improve the security and safety of web browsing. Specifically:
With the introduction of Manifest V3, we will disallow remotely hosted code. This mechanism is used as an attack vector by bad actors to circumvent Google’s malware detection tools and poses a significant risk to user privacy and security.
However this new manifest version has an unfortunate side effect for the software testing industry, it will prevent the Chrome extensions used by many popular test automation tools such as Rapise, Ranorex, TestComplete, UFT and others from working. Luckily in the case, of Rapise, we have new web browser recording solution ready for you to use in Rapise 7.3. This will be released six months before Google formally switches over to Manifest V3.
Read MoreApril 7, 2022
The upcoming release of our Spira platform includes the long-awaiting support for integrating several different DevOps Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines into Spira, including GitLab, GitHub and CircleCI. The first phase of this integration enables this support by using the ability to configure Webhooks in the three products that send the results back to Spira. We have added special API endpoints in Spira that understand each webhook format and can read the results appropriately.
Read MoreMarch 17, 2022
API testing is a type of software testing that analyzes an application program interface (API) to ensure it meets expectations in terms of functionality, reliability, performance, and security. Since APIs play a major role in our digital lives, API testing ensures that the application is running in an efficient and seamless manner for the end user.
Read MoreMarch 7, 2022
On March 3rd, Inflectra hosted a webinar focused on the new functionality and enhancements of Rapise v7.2. In this webinar, we covered:
New global object: Generator
New global object: Spira
New global object: Text
Automatic download for Selenium drivers
Spira Dashboard and RapiseLauncher enhancements: Productivity improvements, Test Matrix, Execution progress in RapiseLauncher
Creating incident in Spira from Rapise test
Generating sequential variable values that are unique across test runs
String manipulation in Rapise Visual Language (RVL)
If you missed the webinar, we have a full recap below.
Read MoreDecember 13, 2021
As we start preparing for 2022, we will be providing some information on our plans for 2022, including some previews of planned functionality in our Spira and Rapise platforms. One of the key plans for 2022 is a closer integration of our Spira platform with GitLab. We already have source code repository and issue tracking integration, but the planned enhancements for 2022 include support for GitLab CI Pipelines.
Read MoreDecember 2, 2021
As we start preparing for 2022, we will be providing some information on our plans for 2022, including some previews of planned functionality in our Spira and Rapise platforms. One of the key plans for 2022 is a closer integration of our Spira platform with Microsoft GitHub. For those monitoring the Microsoft DevOps ecosystem, Microsoft is making a strategic shift away from its legacy Azure DevOps (ADO) in favor of GitHub. In fact, the latest versions of Visual Studio will be favoring GitHub over Azure DevOps.
Read MoreOctober 29, 2021
On October 28, Inflectra hosted a webinar called Rapise 7.1: New Functionality and Enhancements. Denis Markovtsev, Principal Software Developer, covered the following topics in the live webinar:
Overview of new big features:
Support for OracleForms applications
Executing UFT/QTP Scripts
Spira managed floating licenses
Demonstration of Spira Dashboard and RapiseLauncher enhancements:
Productivity improvements
Set input parameters via a test set attachment
Parallel execution of Test Cases in RapiseLauncher
Option to automatically rerun a test set if failed
Selected new features:
Tools > Npm Console to install node modules for a test framework
More SoftAssert statements
If you missed the webinar, we have a full recap below.
Read MoreSeptember 1, 2021
One of the biggest challenges with test automation is the maintenance of the tests. This is especially true when you automating complex third-party packaged SaaS applications that are updated monthly by the vendors. For example, when you are testing ERP or CRM applications such as Microsoft Dynamics 365, Salesforce, SAP or Oracle, you may have lots of customizations that you need to test. However the base product will be updated every month by the vendor so your automated tests are at the mercy of breaking changes in the core system.
Read MoreJune 30, 2021
On June 29th, Inflectra hosted a webinar on Rapise 7.0 Is Here. Denis Markovtsev, Inflectra's Principal Software Developer, covered the following topics in the live webinar:
New Spira Dashboard
Support for Flaky tests and an automatic rerun of failed tests
Soft assertions and attaching files to test runs.
If you missed the webinar, we have a full recap below 👇
Read MoreJune 29, 2021
Two of the major features in our most recent release of Rapise are the completely overhauled Spira Dashboard and the new support for handling the bane of test automation engineers everywhere - flaky tests! In this article we shed some light on how Rapise 7.0 can make flaky tests a thing of the past.
Read MoreJune 28, 2021
Two of the major features in our most recent release of Rapise are the completely overhauled Spira Dashboard and the new support for handling the bane of test automation engineers everywhere - flaky tests! In this article we shed some light on the new dashboard in Rapise 7.0.
Read MoreMay 25, 2021
On May 18th, Inflectra hosted a webinar on Mobile Testing in a Device Cloud with Rapise. Denis Markovtsev, Inflectra's senior automaton architect covered the following topics in the live webinar:
How to connect to a device cloud
How to record/execute Mobile tests with Rapise
How to orchestrate execution on different devices with SpiraTest
If you missed the webinar, we have a full recap below 👇
Read MoreApril 26, 2021
One of the old adages about reporting is that however many reports you create, you will always need one more! With that in mind, Spira has for many years had a powerful and flexible reporting engine built-in that lets you create custom reports and custom graphs using the Entity SQL (ESQL) query language. However users have asked us if there was a way to use their favorite reporting tool (e.g. Excel or Microsoft PowerBI) to connect to Spira to create reports. With the latest version of SpiraPlan that is now possible, for both cloud and on-premise customers using our new OData API.
Read MoreApril 21, 2021
On April 20th, Inflectra hosted a webinar on Behavior-Driven Testing with Rapise and Cucumber JS. Alexey Grinevich covered the following topics in the webinar:
How to create behavior-driven tests that are maintainable and readable
How to record behavior-driven tests
How to use Rapise Visual Language (RVL) and Cucumber JS in behavior-driven testing.
If you missed the webinar, we have a full recap below 👇
Read MoreMarch 24, 2021
We are glad to present the recap of our recent product-centered webinar about the new functionality and features of Rapise 6.7 - Inflectra's scriptless test automation platform for testing web, desktop, and mobile apps. Alexey Grinevich, Inflectra's senior automation engineer presented the webinar, in which he covered the following enhancements:
If you missed the event, here are the recording and presentation slides. Enjoy!
Read MoreMarch 18, 2021
On March 17, we hosted a webinar on QA Solutions for the Financial Sector: Insurance, Banking, and Capital Markets with Adam Sandman and Amol Khare. If you missed the webinar, here is the full recap!
The following topics were covered during the webinar:
JIRA Server Discontinued: Its impact on software demand in the Financial sector
Risks, compliance, and tools in the Financial Sector
QA And Enterprise Management Solutions for the Financial Sector: SpiraPlan on-premise, its differentiators, and long-term deployment options.
The webinar recording and presentation are also enclosed below👇
Read MoreJanuary 13, 2021
We are excited about the next release of Spira 6.7.1, due to be released in early February. This new version includes some usability enhancements for viewing the differences between changes in large source code files as well as a major overhaul of the continuous integration (CI) build details page. These enhancements streamline the viewing of CI builds and verifying the code changes included in each CI build.
Read MoreJanuary 11, 2021
We are excited about the next release of Spira 6.7.1, due to be released in early February. This new version includes new source code Pull Requests functionality that lets development teams leverage the existing tasks feature in Spira to more easily track the different code branches. The Pull Request tasks are used to help teams review the code before they are merged into the main development branches (develop, master or main depending on your branching and merging methodology).
Read MoreDecember 8, 2020
During the recent EuroSTAR 2020 Virtual Conference, Adam Sandman, Director of Technology at Inflectra presented a session on Testing APIs in the Wild. During this talk, there were many questions from the attendees, but unfortunately during the session, there was only time to answer a few of them. In this blog, Adam covers some of the remaining questions.
November 17, 2020
We are happy to share with you a recap of our recent live webinar on Rapise 6.6 - New Features and Enhancements. If you missed the webinar, please enjoy this video recording.
The webinar will cover the following areas:
November 17, 2020
We are excited about the next release of Spira 6.7 that is due to be released in early December. As mentioned in the previous article on the new release, a key area of focus in this new release is improving the experience and functionality for developers and development teams. With that in mind, we have revamped the source code management and documents management module, and for the first time, there is now a way to view rendered markdown files directly in Spira.
Read MoreNovember 10, 2020
We are excited about the next release of Spira 6.7, due to be released in early December. As mentioned in the previous article on the new release, a key area of focus in this new release is improving the experience and functionality for developers and development teams. With that in mind, we have revamped the source code management module, and for the first time, there is now a native code difference viewing capability in Spira.
Read MoreNovember 9, 2020
I am delighted to be part of EuroSTAR 2020. I can’t wait to get involved, learn and connect with all the testers that are joining from across the globe.
Join me for my talk ‘APIs are Loose - How Do We Test Them?’, Says Adam Sandman, Technical Director at Inflectra.
November 5, 2020
We have amazing news!
The source code for a fully customizable and free virtual conferencing platform is now available to the delight of all independent event companies and community conference organizers everywhere.
The conference platform is called Connect and it is born out of Inflectra's Connect conference platform - the same one we used to run our wildly successful InflectraCon 2020 Virtual. The details of the open-source Connect conference platform are available as a project on GitHub!
Read MoreNovember 3, 2020
We are excited about the next release of Spira 6.7 that is due to be released in early December. This new version has lots of general enhancements, bug fixes, and improvements to baselining. However, a key feature of this new version is a completely revamped Source Code Management module. Our company's mission is to enable Harmony between developers, testers, and managers, and this new release is focused heavily on the needs of Developers.
Read MoreOctober 22, 2020
We have recently hosted Inflectra's annual user conference - InflectraCon. In 2020, we have dedicated InflectraCon to Agile Software Testing and DevOps theme and held it virtually. InflectraCon 2020 combined multiple tracks, of which, one - called Inflectra in Real Life or IRL in short - showcased the various uses of the Inflectra platforms (SpiraTest, SpiraTeam, SpiraPlan, Rapise, Kronodesk, etc.).
Below, we will present an InflectraCon 2020 IRL talk by our US-based Partner - Critical Logic. The session demonstrates how IQM Studio generates tests and scripts and how to integrate it with SpiraTest for test management and with Rapise for script execution.
Read MoreJuly 1, 2020
One of the focus areas in the upcoming release v6.5.2 of SpiraTeam and SpiraPlan is to streamline and improve the process for managing code within Spira, and providing better traceability between source code revisions, CI builds, DevOps pipelines, and Spira artifacts such as requirements, user stories, tasks, defects and change requests. In this article we describe some of the enhancements coming in the next version.
Read MoreJune 16, 2020
On June 10, 2020, Inflectra and Alexey Grinevich, Ph.D. hosted the last webinar in the series called: UI Automation 101. In this webinar, Team Rapise focused on 5 Ways To Use Rapise Frameworks and discussed the following:
If you missed the webinar, please enjoy this recap below, complete with a video recording.
Read MoreApril 16, 2020
This spring, Inflectra has the good fortune to collaborate with TestingMind and to bring you three amazing talks on a range of topics- all under the rubric of Emerging Test Automation and Digital Influence in QA. The event is virtual and is taking place on April 24- 28th.
Read MoreMarch 27, 2020
As we discussed in our blog on Teletesting (testing while teleworking), working from home has its challenges, with difficulties in setting work/home boundaries, avoiding distractions and knowing when to take a break. However teleworking and being at home during a quarantine or lockdown is a perfect time to brush up on your skills and get some training. So, building on our new Rapise Quick Start implementation packages, we are pleased to offer some free training while you are sequestered.
Read MoreFebruary 24, 2020
On February 12, 2019, Inflectra hosted a live webinar on the new and improved features of its software test automation platform - Rapise (version 6.3). If you missed the webinar, please enjoy this recap, complete with a video recording.
Read MoreDecember 17, 2019
We are excited to announce a new beta feature in Rapise - running web and mobile tests under NodeJS. This lets you execute Rapise tests not just on Windows where Rapise is typically installed to write tests, but in other places - on Macs, Linux, containers such as Docker or Kubernetes, and build pipelines such as Azure DevOps pipelines, CircleCI, TravisCI and GitHub pipelines.
Read MoreDecember 6, 2019
On December 4, 2019 Inflectra hosted a live webinar, called: Automating REST/SOAP API Testing. This is the 4th webinar in the Tier 2 Certificate series called: Planet Test Automation: First Steps.
If you missed the webinar, we are happy to share this recap👇 with you!
Read MoreNovember 5, 2019
On October 30, 2019 Inflectra hosted the 2nd live webinar: Automating Desktop UI Testing from the Tier 2 Certification series called: Planet Test Automation: First Steps
If you missed the webinar, we are happy to share this recap👇 with you!
Read MoreNovember 4, 2019
Many organizations are looking to update their software testing processes and tools, with an industry-wide move away from some of the older, monolithic legacy suites from vendors such as Micro Focus (formerly HP, and Mercury Interactive before that) to more modern tools. This second article in the blog series, provides a deeper insight into the new UFT migration and conversion framework that has been developed by Inflectra to help our customers more easily migrate from UFT to Rapise.
Read MoreSeptember 27, 2019
The tempo of software development is always increasing. With the adoption of agile methodologies, the move to continuous integration and deployment, and the use of DevOps platforms, it seems that everything needs to be done faster. In this maelstrom of activity, we at Inflectra want to help customers avoid the chaos of missed deadlines, and unfulfilled requirements... and bring harmony. Learn how and why!
Read MoreSeptember 3, 2019
The latest version of Rapise, our powerful and easy to use test automation tool comes with some key usability enhancements that make testing mobile native applications and mobile web applications even easier. It lets you start recording tests from the point they last failed without having to start from the beginning, a huge time saver.
Read MoreAugust 29, 2019
We're very excited about the next version of our Rapise test automation system. The new version leverages research done by the Inflectra artificial intelligence and machine learning unit to introduce self-healing web testing and self-healing web locators to take the flakiness and manual effort associated with automating web testing.
Read MoreJuly 11, 2019
On July 10, 2019 Inflectra hosted the 5th live webinar: Codeless Test Automation, from the series called: Test Automation, Demystified.
If you missed the webinar, here is a recap of the most important take-aways:
Read MoreApril 24, 2019
On April 11, 2019 as part of the official release launch, Inflectra hosted a live webinar on the improved Rapise 6.0. The webinar highlighted the major changes and new features added to inflectra's software test automation platform.
If you missed the webinar, please enjoy this recap, complete with a video recording.
Read MoreMarch 8, 2019
For those of you who keep up with the Atlassian ecosystem, you will most likely be aware of some breaking API changes that they are making to their cloud platform. This article describes the changes and explains what that means for Inflectra customers.
Read MoreMarch 4, 2019
We have recently hosted a webinar on The Top Alternative To Micro Focus QA Suite. If you missed the webinar, please enjoy the recap in this blog.
Read MoreFebruary 26, 2019
Our automation group is wrapping up the final testing and documentation for our next major release of Rapise, our powerful and easy to use codeless test automation tool. With the new 6.0 version getting ready for release in the next couple of weeks, we thought it would be useful to highlight some of the major changes and new features you can expect with the new version.
Read MoreFebruary 6, 2019
On January 31, 2019 Inflectra hosted a test automation-related webinar called: Codeless Test Automation - Myth or Magic?
During the webinar, Adam Sandman, Inflectra's Technical Director, showcased the top 10 features a competitive codeless test automation tools should include in 2019.
If you were unable to attend this webinar, we have a recording for you.
Feel free to check it out below.
Read MoreDecember 17, 2018
Our last free webinar of 2018 had an ambitious goal: to use Rapise to build an AI-powered robot that can mine Salesforce contacts from email signatures. The presenter was Inflectra's senior automation architect - Denis Markovtsev who showed us how to design a robot that can read emails from Exchange mailbox, send emails to a third-party Machine Learning powered REST service for contact extraction, and how to create new contacts in Salesforce via the UI.
Some of you may have missed the webinar, so we made a recording for you, which is enclosed.
Read MoreDecember 3, 2018
There's a resurgence of codeless test automation tools in the market, and members of the testing community are understandably skeptical of the promises of hassle-free, easy to maintain testing. This article describes the benefits that codeless test automation tools provide over having your programmers write automation code by hand, and outlines how Rapise meets the test laid down by experts in the industry of the ten key features that such a tool needs to have to be useful.
Read MoreNovember 30, 2018
On November 29, 2018 we hosted a webinar on automating the testing of yet another aspect of Dynamics AX - its security permissions.
If you were unable to attend, here is the webinar recording.
Read MoreNovember 19, 2018
Dynamics NAV is all about Purchase and Sales orders. Therefore many end-to-end testing scenarios involve creation of an order at a certain step. Sales Order, for example, requires to fill in customer name and order lines. If there is a need to use different data in different testing scenarios then there is a requirement to make the Sales Order test data-driven. The enclosed video explains how to do just that using Rapise.
Read MoreNovember 1, 2018
Rapise is the most powerful and complete software testing tool on the market for testing the Microsoft Dynamics family of applications. In addition, many of our customers are using Rapise to perform Robotic Process Automation (RPA) of Dynamics applications to automate common business processes and tasks. We recently had a webinar that demonstrated the best practices and tips and tricks for testing and/or automating Microsoft Dynamics AX. Don't worry if you missed the webinar, we have a recording available.
Read MoreOctober 30, 2018
Team Inflectra were pleased to sponsor the 2018 Fall Software Testing Professionals Conference (STPcon) in Arlington, VA last week. We met a lot of inspirational speakers and had a chance to demonstrate the latest version of our award-winning SpiraTest - test management software, and Rapise - our test automation platform to the attendees. We also got to give away lots of cool Inflectra swag and prizes for winners of the STPcon raffle.
Read MoreOctober 18, 2018
One of the unique needs when designing and developing mission systems for the defense industry, is the fact that you need to be able to trace system requirements to individual test steps in a test case. Based on this advice we received from industry subject matter experts, we added support in SpiraTeam v5 for this feature. However one limitation was that the data migration tools we have for loading data from Excel into SpiraTeam don't let you add requirement - test step links in bulk... until today.
Read MoreOctober 11, 2018
Rapise is the most powerful and complete software testing tool on the market for testing the Microsoft Dynamics family of applications. In addition, many of our customers are using Rapise to perform Robotic Process Automation (RPA) of Dynamics applications to automate common business processes and tasks. We recently had a webinar that demonstrated the best practices and tips and tricks for testing and/or automating Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Don't worry if you missed the webinar, we have a recording available.
Read MoreOctober 5, 2018
It's Friday and after a long week at work, we thought it might be good to share an anecdote from the week. We had a customer call our support team with a really important question that had been vexing their team. How do you pronounce Spira? Well find out the truth.
Read MoreSeptember 10, 2018
If you remember our blog post - The Cobbler's Children Have No Shoes - then you'll remember that we lamented that it's often hard to practice what you preach when it comes to yourself, because you are so busy delivering first for customers! Well, as a prequel to that, we realized that it was worth mentioning how ended up using Rapise to debug issues in Rapise itself!
Read MoreSeptember 4, 2018
A while back we wrote about how to make a UI test automation project a nightmare, well in the second part of this blog series, we explore some ways you can wreck and derail an automation project. Hopefully, you will do the opposite and become a test automation hero!
Read MoreAugust 22, 2018
One of the most famous expressions is that the people who are in the business of a providing a particular service are so focused on delivering for their customers, that they don't practice what they preach for themselves. For example, the cobbler who repairs shoes, has no time to fix those of his family. However that analogy is unfortunately often the same when you look at software...
Read MoreAugust 16, 2018
At Inflectra, we love making our customers lives easier. That’s why we make it easy to use other tools in conjunction with ours. We’re really excited to announce a brand-new integration with a product we all know and love – GitLab.
Read MoreAugust 9, 2018
At Inflectra, we love making our customers lives easier. That’s why we make it easy to use other tools in conjunction with ours. We’re really excited to announce a brand-new integration with a product we all know and love – GitHub.
Read MoreAugust 7, 2018
We have all seen slick demos of automated testing tools and frameworks. They show how you can quickly automate a nice, well constructed login page. The test records easily, the playback is seamless and it all looks so easy and painless. Then you purchase the tool and when it makes first contact with a real application, it looks as seamless as a Rube Goldberg machine!
Read MoreJuly 23, 2018
We recently had a webinar that demonstrated the similarities and differences between Selenium Page Object vs Rapise Object Repository. Don't worry if you missed the webinar, we have a recording available.
This webinar was first presented at DevGeekWeek 2018 by Inflectra's senior software engineer - Alexey Grinevich.
Read MoreJuly 23, 2018
When a software developer likely hears that delivery cycle times are getting smaller, the first reaction is probably one of understandable panic and frustration. Will quality suffer? How can we meet deadlines if we don’t have the time? How will the budget be affected? There are tons of thoughts that will race through the mind of a software developer met with this new decision, but this can turn into a positive thing.
There are many ways a shortened delivery cycle can impact software teams, and if it is framed in the right way, it can mean good things for the whole team. Read on for eight ways a shortened delivery cycle can positively impact software teams.
Read MoreJuly 20, 2018
We are please to share with you the recording of our recent webinar on Using REST & UI Testing To Test An Ajax Web Application.
The webinar is based on a talk by Adam Sandman, first presented at STPCon Spring 2018.
Read MoreJuly 16, 2018
Thank you for joining our July 5th webinar on Addressing The Challenges Of Web UI Test Automation Using Rapise. The webinar recording and slides are offered below for those who had to miss it.
Read MoreJuly 3, 2018
Robotic process automation (RPA) software is designed to quickly automate business tasks in applications such as Microsoft Office, Web application, Microsoft Windows client/server applications, or even Legacy AS400 applications without coding or programming. Unlike API automation tools, RPA tools connect to the user interface of the applications, simulating the user actions to complete the business tasks.
Read MoreJune 18, 2018
We are announcing a new price for Rapise - Inflectra’s test automation powerhouse, to come into effect on August 1, 2018.
The new pricing policy affects only the new purchases of Rapise. Inflectra’s existing customers and existing quotes of Rapise (if issued before August 1, 2018) will not be affected by the price change.
Read MoreJune 11, 2018
We are please to share with you the recording of our recent webinar on automating testing of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central with Rapise.
Read MoreJune 4, 2018
Now we all know that automated testing can be a real pain sometimes. Imagine you have this big, complex web application with lots of dynamic elements, IFRAMEs, hidden layers, and other impediments to automation. Writing test automation scripts by hand with Selenium would be a Herculean task. So instead, see how we have built intelligence into Rapise to make testing such an application easy as pie.
Read MoreMay 30, 2018
Thanks to those who attended our recent webinar discussing the challenges and opportunities testing and developing software and systems in the financial services and banking industries. We have published a recording of the webinar and Q&A.
Read MoreMay 17, 2018
So, we had the task of loading a bunch of users into an instance of SpiraTest for our upcoming Social Testing competition this week. The good news was that we had a nice Excel sheet of all the users that had registered using Eventbrite and Meetup, but we now had to get them into SpiraTest. What we needed was a tool that can read a spreadsheet and make REST web service calls into SpiraTest to create the projects and load in the users. Wow, we have a tool that can do that, Rapise! Find out how we used Rapise to automate this laborious task.
Read MoreMay 2, 2018
The webinar demonstrates how to create a framework for automated end to end (E2E) testing of a third-party application for the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform. It is a great example of how you can extend the functionality of Rapise yourself to test custom controls (grid, tables, treeviews, etc.) more easily.
Read MoreMarch 13, 2018
Late last year we decided to migrate our core applications - SpiraTeam, KronoDesk and Rapise - from our legacy on-premise Subversion server (that we had been using since 2007) to our own cloud hosted TaraVault service. We realized we should always be using the same services as our customers, commonly known in the industry as "eating your own dogfood". If we didn't like something in TaraVault, we would be motivated to change it!
Read MoreMarch 6, 2018
We recently hosted a webinar demonstrating how our Rapise automated testing system simplifies the testing of a modern web application that is being migrated from one JavaScript framework to another, in this case from AngularJS to ReactJS.
Read MoreMarch 2, 2018
In mid-April 2018, #teamInflectra is coming to California! And we're combining teaching and learning at STPCon with efforts to strengthen relationships with the Inflectra community on the West Coast. With this in mind, we've planned a number of events for our partners, customers and technologists in California:
Please consider joining us for one of the events detailed below:
Read MoreFebruary 14, 2018
Rapise is the most powerful and easy to use software testing tool on the market for testing Salesforce.com. We have many customers and partners using Rapise to streamline their testing of Salesforce.com, cutting down the time to test every new patch, update, or customization. We recently had a webinar that demonstrated the best practices and tips and tricks for testing Salesforce's new Lightning Edition. Don't worry if you missed the webinar, we have a recording available.
Read MoreJanuary 30, 2018
Rapise is the most powerful and easy to use software testing tool on the market for testing Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations. We have many customers and partners using Rapise to streamline their testing of Dynamics products, cutting down the time to test every new patch, update, or customization. We recently had a webinar that demonstrated the best practices and tips and tricks for testing Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations. Don't worry if you missed the webinar, we have a recording available.
Read MoreJanuary 25, 2018
Rapise is the most powerful and easy to use software testing tool on the market for testing Microsoft Dynamics NAV. We have many customers and partners using Rapise to streamline their testing of Dynamics products, cutting down the time to test every new patch, update, or customization. We recently had a webinar that demonstrated the best practices and tips and tricks for testing Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Don't worry if you missed the webinar, we have a recording available.
Read MoreDecember 19, 2017
There are many ways in which you can make the lives of test automation teams harder. If you are a developer or system architect and one of testers is the kind of guy you dislike, this article is for you. Enlightened by the sacred knowledge contained in this short article you will learn how to make UI of any application nearly untestable.
Alternatively, if you are a kinder soul and respect others' hard work, you may consider topics presented herewith as anti-patterns.
So, let's go.
Read MoreDecember 19, 2017
Rapise is the most powerful and easy to use software testing tool on the market for testing Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales. We have many customers and partners using Rapise to streamline their testing of Dynamics products, cutting down the time to test every new patch, update, or customization. We recently had a webinar that demonstrated the best practices and tips and tricks for testing Dynamics CRM and Dynamics 365. Don't worry if you missed the webinar, we have a recording available.
Read MoreDecember 1, 2017
Rapise is the most powerful and easy to use software testing tool on the market for testing Salesforce.com. We have many customers and partners using Rapise to streamline their testing of Salesforce.com, cutting down the time to test every new patch, update, or customization. We recently had a webinar that demonstrated the best practices and tips and tricks for testing Salesforce.com. Don't worry if you missed the webinar, we have a recording available.
Read MoreNovember 28, 2017
Rapise is the most powerful and easy to use software testing tool on the market for testing Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. We have many customers and partners using Rapise to streamline their testing of Dynamics AX, cutting down the time to test every new patch, update, or customization. We recently had a webinar that demonstrated the best practices and tips and tricks for testing Dynamics AX. Don't worry if you missed the webinar, we have a recording available.
Read MoreNovember 8, 2017
As we wrote back in August, Firefox has completely changed its plugin architecture in the soon to be released Firefox 57. One of the side effects is that many plugins including Selenium IDE and the plugin used by Rapise will not work. However one of the benefits of a commercial tool like Rapise is that we provide support, including updating our plugins when necessary.
Read MoreOctober 23, 2017
At Inflectra, we want to make you life as easy as possible, so you can get back to developing. That’s why, we've updated one of our popular developer plugins for SpiraTeam - our flagship ALM platform. You don’t have to worry about switching windows between your web browser and Microsoft Visual Studio IDE just to track what you have to get done. Our updated Visual Studio plugin provides a more streamlined way to review your assigned work and track progress. In addition, the latest version includes support for the SpiraTeam contact manager introduced in v5.
Read MoreSeptember 26, 2017
We are pleased to release the updated Development Roadmaps for our KronoDesk help desk system and Rapise test automation platform. The development roadmaps outline the functionality enhancements planned for later this year and 2018.
Read MoreSeptember 7, 2017
It is never a dull moment with Inflectra, and after the lull of summer, we are back with vengeance! Which is to say, we are going all out sponsoring two software testing events in September-October 2017 in the US: STPCon in the greater D.C.-area and Agile Open Florida, in Orlando, Florida. So, if you are attending one of these, read what Inflectra has in store for you (and if you are not, there is still time to sign up):
Read MoreSeptember 5, 2017
As you may know, one of the core strengths of Rapise is its support for testing Microsoft Dynamics applications. Rapise offers the best automated testing solution on the market for Microsoft Dynamics AX, CRM and 365. However that is not sufficient for us, after several customer requests, we are pleased to announce that the next version of Rapise due for release in a couple of weeks will also include built-in out of the box support for MS Dynamics NAV as well.
Read MoreAugust 24, 2017
At Inflectra, we want to make your lives as easy as possible, so you can get back to developing. That’s why, with the help of our intern, Peter - we’ve built plugins for SpiraTeam - our flagship ALM platform, that work with your favorite IDEs. You don’t have to worry about switching windows between the browser and IDE just to track what you have to get done. Jetbrains has a wide variety of popular IDEs for different languages (like IntelliJ for Java, PyCharm for Python, WebStorm for Javascript, and PhpStorm for PHP), and we are pleased to announce a brand new SpiraTeam plugin to help you work smarter and faster for all Jetbrains IDEs.
Read MoreAugust 7, 2017
Ever wonder which automated UI testing software to use for Dynamics AX ?
We have a review that compares the three top tools on the market: Visual Studio Coded UI, Rapise and AXeptance. Read how each of them fair when tested against the following five criteria:
August 3, 2017
At Inflectra, we want to make it as easy as possible for you to manage your tasks, bugs, and requirements, so you can get back to developing. That’s why we develop plugins that work in the IDEs you use the most. Eclipse remains the most popular Java IDE on the planet, and we are happy to announce a new version of our Eclipse plugin.
Read MoreAugust 1, 2017
We have big news - Rapise 5.2 is Now Released! Our automation development team has been working to add the remaining features needed for full scriptless test automation using Rapise Visual Language (RVL) and now it is here!
Read MoreJuly 28, 2017
Software products are not islands, the value of a product is how well it works with the surrounding ecosystem of other technologies, frameworks and platforms. In this article we highlight some of the recent work by Team Inflectra to integrate our Rapise test automation tool with ElasticSearch and also demonstrating how it can be used to automate a combination of web and desktop UIs to drag and drop files from Windows Explorer to Google Drive.
Read MoreJuly 24, 2017
We are busy bees this summer, and we will be releasing the next version of our KronoDesk help desk system (v2.1) in the next month. In this article we describe the two main new features in KronoDesk 2.1 and what you can expect from the new version.
Read MoreJuly 17, 2017
We are busy bees this summer, and one of the most exciting new features of Rapise is the fact that we're adding support for data-driven testing using the new Rapise Visual Language (RVL) with the introduction of Maps and Loops to the new scriptless language.
Read MoreJuly 12, 2017
We just released the final evaluation guide in our three part series comparing legacy HP products with new and easy to use alternatives from Inflectra. Coinciding with the announcement that HP is selling its software assets to Micro Focus, we thought it would be good to highlight the three guides in case you need help convincing your boss or a co-worker on the benefits of switching to Inflectra.
Read MoreJune 20, 2017
Web applications are a perfect example of a rapidly moving target for UI test automation tools. Agile and DevOps drive small changes and frequent releases. This leads to certain challenges in QA field. How to create tests that survive after small UI changes? How to create tests that produce same results if ran 10 times in a row on an unmodified application? How to create tests that check exactly those features they were designed to check?
Answers to these questions are not entirely simple. Test automation is still an art.
In this blog we try to figure out what every test automation engineer can do to find the right answers. First I'll give a few examples that illustrate common challenges in Web UI test automation.
Read MoreJune 14, 2017
Take any tool for UI test automation and you will notice that they always lack support for some of the UI controls. And I am not talking about trivial ones like buttons and edit boxes, but the one that are custom controls, which are unique and created for specific needs. It can be some sophisticated grid or menu or a fancy tree. A number of such controls in this rapidly evolving world is growing exponentially. So, every UI test automation engineer is challenged by emerging UI frameworks in every project. This is especially true for Web applications.
As a provider of a UI test automation tool - Rapise - we constantly do our best to arm engineers with the most advanced technologies to help them deal with new UI controls.
This article by Danis Markovtsev will showcase a real-life example of this.
Read MoreJune 12, 2017
We’ve mentioned before that Inflectra is sponsoring DevGeekWeek2017 in Israel later this month. One of the perks of being a sponsor is an ability to engage with the conference attendees through seminars and talks. It is then only natural that we decided to also contribute our experience, technical knowledge and testing wisdom to this conference.
So, we are sending #TeamInflectra’s crème de la crème - Adam Sandman, Inflectra’s Technical Director, to talk about A Real-life TestOps Environment during a seminar called: Real Testing Scenario Strategy lead by Anna Lucovsky on June 21, 2017.
Read MoreApril 18, 2017
Chris, one of Inflectra's latest interns, has created a brand new way to get data into SpiraTeam: Google Sheets. Google Sheets is great product, letting you create spreadsheets from anywhere at anytime. While it's great for us as consumers to use, what's it like for a developer? Chris explains some plusses and minuses to working with the Google Sheets API.
Read MoreSeptember 20, 2016
One of the challenges with development is that users only see the outside of the system, the user interface, perhaps the APIs if they are more technical and unless the system has a problem, the architecture and internals are largely ignored... so how do you get customers to invest in the architecture for the future when they see no immediate benefit.
May 5, 2016
One of the aspects of SpiraTeam v4.x that we have had much feedback on is the rich text editor (aka the WYSIWYG editor). This widget has been part of SpiraTest since v1.3.1 and was suggested by long time user Terry Mack. Despite being enhanced throughout the years since SpiraTest v1.3.1 we have decided for SpiraTeam v5.0 to start from scratch, find out why we made that decision!
December 31, 2015
Like most software companies, every day we get several emails from various IT service companies offering us low-cost developers and testers to help us with the development and testing of our products. Every day we put these emails in the trash folder. So why have we always built our products in-house? Are we foolish? Are we myopic?
November 19, 2015
The SpiraTeam development group has been working really hard on version 5. It will bring many great new features that our users have been requesting. We also get asked about refinements to the user experience. We have been equally busy carefully updating every screen, every button, and every field our customers will see and use in version 5.
Read MoreSeptember 25, 2015
As part of our work on Spira v5.0 and the new plugin we're developing for the popular ZenDesk help desk system, we need to be able to make cross-original REST web service calls to Spira. For KronoDesk we used JSONP, but for ZenDesk we decided to add CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) support to Spira 5.0 to make it easier. However implementing CORS support using WCF was not so easy so we're publishing our solution to help other software developers implement CORS using
March 13, 2015
These days APIs are all the rage, with any application or web site worth its salt providing an API, usually using SOAP (more likely nowadays) or REST as the possible option. Well we've had a SOAP API available in Spira since 2008 and recently we announced the introduction of a complete REST API as well. So what does this mean for the future of Spira and why did we choose to add a REST API? Read More
February 27, 2015
Well, we've heard the feedback and this weekend we shall be launching an updated Inflectra website with a new fresh modern look that is easier to use, works across all devices and sets the foundation for other changes coming later this year. Read More
August 5, 2014
When I collected my last car from the dealership, the salesman proudly showed me under the hood. The engine was tightly packed into the available space with no separately recognizable components and it was noticeably clean. Despite his apparent pride in its power, as he quoted a list of figures representing liters, horsepower and torque, all I was thinking about was getting behind the wheel and driving away.
When he finally got around to the interior I had all but forgotten that the car even had an engine. I know I am not alone in my attitude when it comes to cars for while there are those who love to get down-and-dirty with the internal workings of the internal combustion engine, most of us just want to drive it.
Read MoreJuly 21, 2014
Extreme Programming (XP) is one of the more popular Agile Development methodologies, and for very good reason. It advocates short, rapid iterations, constant customer contribution and frequent testing. But let us consider the foundation of Extreme Programming, which is to identify all the positive aspects of software programming techniques and take them to their extreme; the idea being that you can’t have too much of a good thing. For example, if tests help find defects, why not test all the time?
If we consider Agile methods generally, (not XP specifically) to also be a combination of good ideas, XP would tell us to take those ideas to their extreme; could we do that and create “Extreme Agile Programming (EAP)”? Or would we be trying to swallow our own tail? Let’s consider some Agile principles and find out.
Read MoreMay 22, 2014
What is worse than a product that is not configurable? Answer: a product that is completely configurable. This might seem counter intuitive: don’t we all want to have products that we can control and dictate their behavior? Well, yes, and no. As products become more configurable they often become harder to use, or at least hard to set up. Read More
April 23, 2014
When we talk proudly of adopting Agile processes for our projects, why do we do so with a somewhat superior air over the old tried and trusted methods of software development? Read More
April 16, 2014
For a considerable period of time, we did well organized testing, but not against requirements that were formally defined.
Why was it deemed necessary to automate the test management process before there were any decent tools for recording exactly what we were testing for?
Read More
April 8, 2014
When evaluating software features to either build or buy there is a tendency to want to have every possible feature even if it will be rarely (or event never used) on the off-chance that it could be useful. This post describes some of the pitfalls with this approach. Read More