Posts Tagged 'Software Tools'

SpiraTeam vs Jira: Inflectra's Webinar Showcases SpiraTeam's Edge Over Jira

January 12, 2024

Discover the Advantages of SpiraTeam Over Jira in Our Latest Webinar

This past week, project management enthusiasts and professionals gathered virtually for an insightful webinar comparing SpiraTeam and Jira. As organizations continue to seek dynamic and efficient alternatives to traditional project management tools, the SpiraTeam webinar offered a compelling case for making the switch. With its array of features, seamless transition process, and live demonstration, attendees gained valuable insights into how SpiraTeam could revolutionize their project management practices.

Read on to access the webinar recording, an informative slideshow, and more.

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Get $50 for Reviewing SpiraPlan on

November 9, 2022

Let me be blunt - Inflectra needs your help in collecting the reviews of our flagship platform -  SpiraPlan! Like others, we use your reviews as social proof and to get awards and recognition like these SpiraTest badgesπŸ‘‡πŸ½:


Review SpiraPlan now! (We promise the whole thing is quick and painless - it only takes 10 minutes!)

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Best Practices: Choosing Your ALM Tool-Set | InflectraCon 2020 IRL

October 26, 2020

We have recently hosted Inflectra's annual user conference - InflectraCon. In 2020, we have dedicated InflectraCon to Agile Software Testing and DevOps theme and held it virtually. InflectraCon 2020 combined multiple tracks, of which, one - called Inflectra in Real Life or IRL in short - showcased the various uses of the Inflectra platforms (SpiraTest, SpiraTeam, SpiraPlan, Rapise, Kronodesk, etc.). 

Today, we present an InflectraCon 2020 IRL talk by our German Partner - PTA. The session focuses on best practices for how to choose the most appropriate ALM toolset for your company. Enjoy the presentation below! 

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Webinar Recap: How To Easily Migrate from Micro Focus Toolset and Save Money

April 20, 2020

On April 17th, Inflectra's Adam Sandman headlined a live webinar called: How To Easily Migrate from MicroFocus and Save Money

If you missed the webinar, please enjoy this recap, complete with a video recording.

Webinar Agenda:

  1. Features of SpiraPlan that outperform Micro Focus’ ALM tool
  2. Rapise as a powerful alternative to UFT and LoadRunner in functional and performance testing
  3. How SpiraPlan and Rapise offer you a more powerful, comprehensive, and cost-saving solution
  4. The ease of migrating from Micro Focus to Inflectra’s Platform.
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Seamless Migration from Micro Focus UFT to Rapise (Part 1)

October 31, 2019

Many organizations are looking to update their software testing processes and tools, with an industry-wide move away from some of the older, monolithic legacy suites from vendors such as Micro Focus (formerly HP, and Mercury Interactive before that) to more modern tools. At Inflectra, we have partnered with Neotys to provide an integrated suite comprising: SpiraTeam, Rapise and NeoLoad that lets companies have test management, functional testing, and load testing all in one. Migrating from ALM/QualityCenter to SpiraTeam is easy using our free migration tool, and migration from LoadRunner to NeoLoad was possible using a conversion utility, however automatically converting from UFT / QTP to Rapise was not so easy.... until today!

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The Top 10 Reasons Why SpiraTeam Is Better than JIRA for ALM

January 23, 2018

Try SpiraTeam - a true alternative to Atlassian ecosystem!
Does that sound too good to be true? Let us give you (at least) 10 reasons why.
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Concurrent User Licensing, Why It's A Big Deal

September 19, 2017

We often get questions from prospective customers about the pricing on our website. We pride ourselves on having a transparent price list available at all times so that there are no surprises later. However the most common question is about the number of users they need, and whether they to purchase a special read-only license for users that may only login occasionally.

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The Top 10 Reasons You Should Switch from HP QualityCenter

May 9, 2017

With the recent news about HPE selling its software portfolio to Micro Focus, and the herd of former HP customers trying out SpiraTest to see what alternatives they have, we thought it would be a good idea to see how SpiraTest compares against HP QualityCenter (and its predecessor TestDirector).


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The Top 10 Reasons You Should Switch from HP ALM

May 2, 2017

With the recent news about HPE selling its software portfolio to Micro Focus, and the herd of former HP customers trying out SpiraTeam to see what alternatives they have, we thought it would be a good idea to see how SpiraTeam compares against HP ALM.


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The Top 5 Reasons You Should Switch from Zendesk

March 14, 2017

Many people start out using a tool because they have heard of it, or because a colleague recommended it. However they don't always look at the features they need or the time and money it will cost to get it up and running, delivering value.

So we thought it would be useful to take a look at Zendesk, a popular help desk tool and see why you might want to switch to KronoDesk 2.0.

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And Then There Was One - Micro Focus Acquires HPE Software Assets

September 9, 2016

When we first started the company, back in 2006 we had many legacy competitors offering integrated requirements, test and defect tracking systems. However as the years have rolled on and with the rise of more nimble competitors, it seems that they have been gobbled up, most recently HP ALM by Micro Focus!

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Why Should I Use Rapise Instead of Selenium?

March 7, 2016

When companies evaluate test automation tools for web testing they are often facing a similar question: What's the advantage of using Rapise instead of Selenium? Though the larger question is: Why should you pay for a commercial tool instead of using a free one?

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Why Have a Separate Quality & Agile System?

September 18, 2015

In the mail today a copy of the latest SD Times magazine arrived. It included an advert from HP about their separate QualityCenter (QC) and Agile Manager Products. The ad made us think... "why integrate these two tools when SpiraTeam can do all of  the work in one easy to use system".

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TeamCity and Bamboo make things Easy and Microsoft TFS Makes things Complex!

July 16, 2015

This summer we had the privilege of having an intern (Bruno Gruber) work for us to develop some of the build server plugins for SpiraTeam. During  the course of his internship we were able to see how different companies and technologies make things easy (or hard in the case of Microsoft TFS) for a new developer to start working with their systems. Based on his frustrations and observations we've published this to hopefully encourage Microsoft to make things easier for the rest of us.

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A Real Life Story from a New Customer

May 27, 2015

Recently we had an email from a new customer that had just decided to purchase SpiraTeam. Even though they were an existing Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) user, they had decided it would be much easier to just use SpiraTeam. We were intrigued by this story and the following account is what they passed on to us (the names have been removed to protect the innocent!) Read More

Testing Tool Interview: SpiraTest (QA TestingTools.Com)

May 12, 2015

Finding the best test management solution for your needs can be a tough task for organizations at times. With a variety of tools heading neck-to-neck in the market, a Quality and Test Management software to support your quality assurance, application security, and performance validation can lead to a lot of confusion. Read More

How to Succeed with Software Tools – Part 6

January 14, 2015

In this series of blog articles we examine some of the essential factors required for the successful implementation and use of software tools. In today's article we look at the danger of actually using too many tools or using such tools inappropriately. Read More

How to Succeed with Software Tools – Part 5

January 7, 2015

In this series of blog articles we examine some of the essential factors required for the successful implementation and use of software tools. In today's article we look at the importance of process and how the success or failure of a new tool can depend greatly on the process that has been put in place.

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How to Succeed with Software Tools – Part 4

December 29, 2014

In this series of blog articles we examine some of the essential factors required for the successful implementation and use of software tools. Read More

How to Succeed with Software Tools – Part 3

December 17, 2014

In this series of blog articles we examine some of the essential factors required for the successful implementation and use of software tools. Read More

How to Succeed with Software Tools – Part 2

December 10, 2014

In this series of blog articles we examine some of the essential factors required for the successful implementation and use of software tools. This week we look at the need for continual post-implementation adaptation and refinement. Read More

How to Succeed with Software Tools – Part 1

December 3, 2014

The introduction of a new tool to a project or organization can be a stressful time for all involved. Not only does a new tool bring with it a learning curve for users to get up to speed on the product, it almost certainly demands some kind of change to existing processes. One serious mistake often made during this time is focusing too much on that previous process. Read More

If I had A Hammer – QA Helper tools

July 31, 2014

Let’s assume you already have a good defect tracking system, A test management system, release management, automation, etc...  The whole DevOps suite.  What are you missing? Read More

Software Tools Are Like Football (Soccer)

June 12, 2014

Growing up, I played football / soccer at school. We were all much, much younger when we first learned the game; so young that I think we could barely even count up to eleven, so it should have been no surprise to the coach that he had some difficulty in conveying the idea of team sports. He wanted us to stop thinking of ourselves as individuals, which was not easy as we were only just beginning to develop our own individuality. As a result of our youthful enthusiasm, we each spent most of the time running after the ball as if that were the only way to win. Read More