Source Code Management

SpiraPlan includes powerful Software Configuration Management (SCM) tools with the system so that you can connect and browse source repositories within SpiraPlan. In addition you can link commits in the code repositories to other artifacts in SpiraPlan to provide code-level traceability of changes. This functionality will allow the system to track the code changes that are associated with Requirements (stories) that have been implemented, Tasks that have been completed or Incidents (defects) that have been fixed. This gives unparalleled traceability across the development lifecycle.

Software Configuration Management (SCM)

SpiraPlan® allows you to link your existing software configuration management (SCM) repositories to a particular project. When this is done, you can browse the contents of the repository (branches, folders, files and revisions) directly in the SpiraPlan® web interface, without needing to install the native SCM application. This extends the reach of the SCM repository to managers and other casual users who need to report on the source code repository.

SpiraPlan includes source code folder and file browsing:

SpiraPlan also includes a source code commit list view, that lets you see the most recent commits to the source code repository and the associated artifacts:

Source Code Traceability

In addition to being able to view the contents of the source code repository, using SpiraPlan® you can link artifacts in the system to specific source code revisions. This allows you to associate implemented requirements, completed tasks or resolved defects/incidents with the corresponding code changes. This provides end-to-end traceability from requirements to software code.

You can view the revision log and see the list of associated artifacts associated with each file or with a specific revision. If you didn’t link the artifact when you committed the change, it’s easy to simply add the association directly from within SpiraPlan:

Source Code Preview & Syntax Highlighting

SpiraPlan makes it easy to view the source code being managed, with automatic formatting, language detection, syntax highlighting and line numbering to make it easy to see the current state of the code.

In addition, SpiraPlan has built-in support for viewing markdown files in preview mode, so that you can see the markdown rendered into rich text:

Support for Branches and Revisions

SpiraPlan allows you to view the revisions made to the source code and includes support for managing multiple branches including the popular hierarchy syntax used in Git and various Git branching methodologies such as Git Flow:

Source Code Difference Viewing

SpiraPlan lets you view the details of a specific commit made in the source code repository, with links to the related artifacts as well as other information entered by the developer:

SpiraPlan lets you select a specific file in the commit to see exactly what code changes were performed in an easy to read “DIFF” format called the “unified” mode:

You can also choose to see the changes in an alternate “split” by mode as well:

With this, SpiraPlan lets you see exactly what changes were made in the code, with the changes being traced back to the requirement, task or incident that was being implemented.

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And if you have any questions, please email or call us at +1 (202) 558-6885