Posts Tagged 'Browser'

Time to Switch Your Chrome Browser Library in Rapise

December 19, 2022

As we explained in our announcement for Rapise 7.3, Google is in the process of phasing out its older plugin system (called Manifest V2) in favor of a new plugin architecture (Manifest V3). This new architecture has higher security, but means that automated testing tools (like Rapise) will not be able to record or play tests using such plugins. This, together with some other breaking changes in Chrome, mean now is the time you need to switch browser libraries in Chrome.

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Tip of the Day: Accessing and Inspecting DOM Elements with $0

May 23, 2017

Modern browsers have incredibly powerful developer tools. Hit the F12 key and you get access to a wealth of great information and features. The dev tools are great for looking through the DOM and inspecting specific HTML elements. Want to do something on/with that element in JavaScript too? They have you covered. The secret is $0.

<joke>In fact, using $0 can save you more than $0 :-)</joke>

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Spies Like Us - Or How to Use Rapise's Spy Tool for Web Testing

July 9, 2015

One of the features of Rapise, is an integrated Web Spy, also known as a DOM Browser. It's similar to the tools already in the web browsers such as IE, Firefox and Chrome (e.g. Firebug), but unlike using those tools it has lots of nifty features for making web testing easier and also integrates directly into Rapise testing IDE so that you can code against any of the elements visible in the Spy. This article describes how to use the Spy.

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