Articles Tagged 'ci'

Inflectra Cloud Services Fair Use Policy

For Inflectra cloud services (cloud hosted SpiraTest, SpiraTeam, SpiraPlan, and KronoDesk), Inflectra may limit the resources individuals can consume and the amount of requests they can make to certain commands. This helps ensure all customers have a consistent experience all of the time.

Quality Metrics: Regression Test Efficiency

The Cost of Quality (CoQ) is about both product quality and process quality. As part of these considerations, quality assurance can focus on additional patterns. In this article, we will discuss how to graphically show the regression test efficiency.

Running Rapise GUI Tests with Jenkins (April 2024 version)

The recommended approach is to use SpiraTest and RapiseLauncher for automated test execution. However, in some cases, this may not be an option. This article describes how to run Rapise tests using Jenkins.

Hosting Questions - SpiraTest, SpiraPlan, SpiraTeam & KronoDesk

You already know the advantages of us hosting your application in our cloud:

  • Focus on managing your projects not hardware
  • Flexible pricing and contracts by # users
  • Backups and all maintenance handled by our staff
  • Globally accessible using just a web browser
  • Get up and running in minutes with no installations
  • Choice of hosting locations (USA, EU, Canada, India, Singapore, Australia)               

However you may have questions about our hosting service. This article provides important information about our cloud hosting services, including security, privacy and reliability information.

Report to identify number of days a defect is assigned to a status

A customer asked is how they could run a report on a daily basis to see for how long a defect has been assigned to a specific status and the audit log of the status changes. That is best done by using the History table and the main Incident table together in a custom report

Sending Special Keys to the Current Application

You can use the Global.DoSendKeys('...'); command in Rapise to send keypresses to the current application. Sometimes you will want to send special control keys to the application (e.g. Page Down, or CTRL + Key). This article explains the way to do this.

Retrieving requirement associations

This article describes how to retrieve artifact's associations due to the dependency type that become challenging.

Getting 'X' is not a member of type 'Inflectra.SpiraTest.DataModel.IncidentView' after 4.2 upgrade

After upgrading to Spira v4.2, if you get either of the following error messages:

  • 'Width' is not a member of type 'Inflectra.SpiraTest.DataModel.IncidentView'
  • 'DisplayMode' is not a member of type 'Inflectra.SpiraTest.DataModel.IncidentView'

Please follow the instructions in the article to solve the issue that happens when you try and use a saved filter that gives this issue.

This article is obsolete.
It is referring to the old bug fixed in later versions and applies only to that particular case when upgrading to Spira v4.2.

Incident Custom Properties are Disabled

In SpiraTest, when you create a new custom property in the incidents section, they are disabled by default. Unlike other parts of the system, the incident tracker has a customizable workflow. This article describes the steps necessary to enable the new custom properties in the workflow (which will make the custom property enabled).

This article is now obsolete.
Custom Properties are now always active and do not require separate activation.

How to retrieve incidents associated with a requirement using Custom Reports

Sometimes you may need to get the list of incidents associated with a requirement but that can be challenging in case an implicit association exist.
This article can help you to get these associations.

Custom Report that Displays Test Sets, Test Cases, Test Steps and Linked Incidents/Attachments

A customer asked us how you could create a custom report that shows the following information in a single table:

  • A list of test sets containing:
    • test cases
      • test steps
  • For each test step, the linked:
    • attachments
    • incidents
How to Control Upgrades of Cloud Spira in Life Sciences

Many of our customers work in the life sciences and healthcare industries. They want to use cloud hosted versions of SpiraTest, SpiraTeam, or SpiraPlan, but they need to be able to control the updates and also be able to have a staging and production environment. This article explains the options we provide

Which artifacts can be shared across projects?

By default, all projects are completely self-contained; artifacts in one project can only be linked or associated with artifacts in the same project.  However, there is a way for the project admin to selectively allow other projects to access artifacts in the current project.  (Administration -> Project Associations)

The cross-project functionality is being introduced gradually.  As of Spira version 6.0, it applies only to requirements, test cases, tasks (SpiraPlan and SpiraTeam), and incidents.

This article explains how and where the artifacts from another project can be used.

Setting up Incident Workflow Transitions and Notifications

A workflow is a predefined sequence of incident statuses linked together by “workflow transitions”.  Incident statuses and workflow transitions are highly configurable. This article gives an overview of workflow transitions.

Hardening SSL on IIS 6 - IIS 7

If you are running a web application (such as SpiraTest, SpiraPlan, SpiraTeam or KronoDesk) on an IIS web server using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), you will want to harden the environment by removing the older versions of SSL and TLS that are no longer considered secure.

These steps apply to:

  • Windows Server 2003 R1 & R2
  • Windows Server 2008 R1 & R2

Usually Windows Server 2012 and later are already configured to be secure.

What is Copied when an Artifact is Cloned

Several customers had questions about the "copying of  artifacts", specifically looking for information about which linked data and dependent data elements are copied. In this article we clarify this information.

Writing a Custom Report to Display the Count of Incidents By Project and Priority

A customer of ours asked for a custom report / graph for displaying the count of incidents by project and by priority.

Create an incident in Spira from Rapise test

In some cases a test may automatically determine that it's failure is definitely caused by a bug in software under test.  In this case the test may create an incident in Spira using Spira.CreateIncident action. Requires Rapise 7.2+.

Create a report of the number of Incidents and Requirements in past releases

Some customers may want to see the summary delivered outputs of their past releases. To do so, in this example, we create a custom report that shows a table of the total number of Incidents and requirements assigned to each past releases (releases with an end date in the past).

Report of Incidents Associated with Blocked Test Cases

One of our customers asked us how to extract the defects/incidents linked to the blocked test cases in a report. This article shows you how to do this using a simple custom report.

Report of Incidents by Program

A customer asked us if we could provide a report of all the incidents across all projects and programs. In SpiraPlan you already have a Program Incidents list page that shows this information.  However sometimes you want the information in a report format.

Building a Spira Web Farm with IIS Servers

This document contains an overview of how to setup and configure SpiraTest, SpiraTeam or SpiraPlan in a load balanced web farm scenario. It contains links to additional information from Microsoft, and community resources related to the scenario.

Inflectra Support Plans and Policies

Outstanding support is the foundation of our company, and we want your experience with our products to be exceptional from the start. We dedicate more than half our technical resources to support, and we make support a priority over all other work.

To ensure your satisfaction, we provide one year of product support FREE with every on-premise software purchase and unlimited support with every cloud subscription, which guarantees you access to our knowledge base, helpdesk and phone support.

Report to identify number of days a defect is assigned to a person

A customer asked is how they could run a report on a daily basis to see for how long a defect has been assigned to someone and the audit log of the assignment changes. That is best done by using the History table and the main Incident table together in a custom report

Rapise and Citrix/RDP

We are getting a lot of questions on how to use Rapise with Citrix and remotely accessed VMs . Here is the answer.

Creating a Report of Incidents' Reopen Count

One of the metrics that customers often find useful is the number of times that a specific incident has been reopened. We plan on adding some built-in dashboard widgets for this metric, but in the meantime, we have a custom report that you can use to report on this metric from Spira.

Creating a Report of Incidents' Aging

In Spira we have a nice incident aging graph that you can use to see the count of incidents per aging range. However sometimes customers are looking for more customizable reporting around incident aging data. This article provides some sample custom reports.

TeamCity Spira Plugin Does Not Save Global Settings

When you are first using the SpiraTeam plugin for JetBrains TeamCity, you may run into the issue where the settings for TeamCity are not being saved correctly.

Fixing the database when you have incidents linked to values from other projects

The incidents in Spira are able to have customizable incident types, statuses, priorities and severities. This means that each project has unique IDs for the various attributes. Sometimes when you incorrectly load in data using our Excel Add-In, you can link incidents to attributes from other projects. This article describes the problem and the solution.