
SpiraPlan includes an extensive library of printable reports and graphical charts. The reports can be customized through extensible XML based report templates. The supported report formats include: MS-Word, MS-Excel, HTML, Adobe Acrobat and MS-Project.

Project Dashboards

Each project in SpiraPlan has a customizable project dashboard that summarizes all of the information regarding the project into a comprehensive, easily digestible form that provides a “one-stop-shop” for people interested in understanding the overall status of the project at a glance.

It contains summary-level information for all types of artifact (requirements, test cases, tasks, builds, defects, etc.) that you can use to drill-down into the appropriate section of the application.

Project Portfolio Dashboards

SpiraPlan lets you manage your projects as Groups. Each Project Group has its own dedicated dashboard that lets you assess the metrics across the group as well as benchmark each project side by side:

Customizable Reporting Dashboard

SpiraPlan includes an extensive reports library that can display information such as Requirements Traceability, Test Case Execution, Release Notes, Task Progress and Incident Status.SpiraPlan allows you to build a customized reporting dashboard featuring your frequently-used graphs, charts and reports.

The graphs available include: Requirements Coverage, Test Run Progress, Incident Discovery, Project Velocity, Task Burndown and Burnup. Supported formats include HTML, XML, Word, Excel and Acrobat.

Custom Graphing Engine

We know that you can never have enough graphs and charts. SpiraPlan includes a custom graphing engine that lets you write your own graphs using the full power of SQL. You can then publish these graphs for your team to use.

The graphing engine lets you visualize your data in donut, pie, and line chart formats, as well as display the underlying data, and export to Microsoft Excel for further analysis.

Report Document Generator

SpiraPlan can produce printable reports, documents and spreadsheets from the data in the system using the rich library of standard reports. The formats supported include MS-Word, MS-Excel, Adobe Acrobat PDF, HTML and XML.

Each report can be configured by users, with the option to include different elements, filter by any of the built-in or custom fields. You can choose to either run the report immediately or save for future use, with an option to share with the whole team.

Custom Report Templates

SpiraPlan includes a built-in custom report builder that lets you define report templates that can consist of multiple sections.

The Rich Text editor allows you to add custom headers and footers to the entire report and to each section, and the report templating engine allows you to define the layout and style of the report using the industry standard XSLT templating language:

Custom Report Queries

In addition to the customized templates, you can include custom sections in your reports that contain user-defined data queries written using the industry-standard Structured Query Language (SQL). This gives you the ultimate in flexibility in designing reports that meet the needs of your organization:

Save Generated Reports as Documents

SpiraPlan lets you automatically save generated reports from the Reports center into the Documents Management module, where they can be archived and versioned.

If you came from a traditional document-centric world, where your requirements, test cases, and other project artifacts were actual physical documents, this feature lets you store and manage the results of your testing and validation activities as documents. This lets you assign these documents to reviewers to be approved using the standard SpiraPlan document management workflows.

Enterprise Reporting using OData API

In addition to the different reporting and analytics options available inside SpiraPlan itself, you can extend the reporting functionality even further using the industry standard OData API provided by SpiraPlan.

OData is an open protocol that lets you easily query data, over the web. With OData you can directly query the raw data in your SpiraPlan instance in a secure and safe way using HTTPS. Tools like Excel, PowerBI, Tableau support OData and can therefore communicate with SpiraPlan to access this data with just a few clicks.

With OData you don't need to be a SQL expert to generate rich and dynamic insights into your data. If you can use a spreadsheet, you can simply join tables of data from SpiraPlan, to get just the data you need, displayed in your format of choice.

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And if you have any questions, please email or call us at +1 (202) 558-6885