Work Smarter & Faster with JetBrains Plugin for SpiraTeam

August 24th, 2017 by Thea Maisuradze

integration software development

At Inflectra, we want to make your lives as easy as possible, so you can get back to developing. That’s why, with the help of our intern, Peter - we’ve built plugins for SpiraTeam - our flagship ALM platform, that work with your favorite IDEs. You don’t have to worry about switching windows between the browser and IDE just to track what you have to get done. Jetbrains has a wide variety of popular IDEs for different languages (like IntelliJ for Java, PyCharm for Python, WebStorm for Javascript, and PhpStorm for PHP), and we are pleased to announce a brand new SpiraTeam plugin to help you work smarter and faster for all Jetbrains IDEs.

Using the tool window in Jetbrains’ IDEs, we have crafted an easy way to view your incidents, tasks and requirements right from your Jetbrains IDE of choice! View the essential information fast straight from the IDE. And with a simple click you can open it up in SpiraTeam for editing and more advanced viewing.

You can also easily add a new incident, task or requirement to any of your projects right from your IDE. With the Jetbrains plugin from Inflectra, you can get back to developing quickly and efficiently.

If you want to install our new plugin, search for “SpiraTeam” inside your IDE’s plugin repository. For more information you can check out our github wiki or read the documentation here.


Here are more product integrations and plugins for SpiraTeam: Integrated Development Environments | Automated Testing Tools |  Unit Test Frameworks | Software Configuration Management | Requirements Management Systems | Bug/Defect Trackers

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And if you have any questions, please email or call us at +1 (202) 558-6885