Why You Shouldn't Miss InflectraCon 2020 Virtual

September 8th, 2020 by Thea Maisuradze

agile devops conference

On September 29 - October 2, 2020, Team Inflectra is throwing the biggest event of the year - its annual, global user conference -  InflectraCon™!

In 2020 InflectraCon is delivered virtually, with all talks available on demand for 24 hours on each of 4 conference days!

In 2020, InflectraCon's focus is on agile software testing and DevOps using the Inflectra platforms: SpiraTest, SpiraTeam, SpiraPlan, and Rapise. Designed to meet the training and self-improvement needs of Inflectra's users, the conference proudly offers over 75 hours of learning through a wide variety of opportunities:

  • 4 days of virtual learning with over 80 on-demand sessions accessible by all from midnight to midnight each conference day
  • 8 Keynotes by renowned international speakers
  • 4 Workshop blocks with over 30 sessions on QA, Program Management, Automation & Administration with Inflectra Platform
  • 3 Advanced Topic blocks with over 20 sessions we the Inflectra experts dive deep into each platform to help you leverage their various capabilities
  • 22 thought-leadership talks across four thematic streams
  • a dozen Inflectra Case Studies and "How-To" Talks
  • 3 half-day certification & accreditation courses from ICAgile and ASTQB
  • networking, and more!

Tickets start at an unbelievable $79.99!

Get your ticket today!


InflectraCon Program Overview:


InflectraCon™ 2020 is an event for everyone! 

1. For New Users of Spira and Rapise

InflectraCon 2020 Virtual offers four workshop blocks of 4 hours each on the topics of:

  • Quality Assurance using Spira | September 29, 2020

  • Product, Program and Portfolio Management with Spira | September 30, 2020

  • Test Automation Fundamentals with Rapise | October 1, 2020

  • Spira Administration | October 2, 2020

2. For Seasoned Users Spira and Rapise

InflectraCon 2020 Virtual offers 3 Advanced Topics blocks of 4 hours each on:

  • Advanced Topics: Quality Assurance using Spira | September 30, 2020

  • Advanced Topics: Programs and Portfolios | October 1, 2020

  • Advanced Topics: Test Automation Fundamentals | October 2, 2020


3. For Testing, Agile, and DevOps Enthusiasts

InflectraCon 2020 Virtual offers 30 hours of Thought Leadership talks through:

  • 8 keynotes on Agile, DevOps, Automation, AI, Quality Engineering, and the Evolution of Testing. 
  • 22 Thought Leadership talks by international speakers, practitioners, and experts on better ways of developing and testing software.


4. For Community, Networking, and Learning About Other Technologies

  • The EXPO: Be sure to visit the Expo to explore the latest solutions, technologies, and tools in software testing. Plus, many virtual booths are offering their own prizes—so you can be entered to win those prizes just for stopping by their booths. This is a great opportunity to meet one-on-one with representatives from some of today's most innovative organizations.
  • InflectraCon HUB - Join the conference hub on Discord to keep the conversation going from the virtual conference with speakers, virtual attendees, and other software professionals. The Hub is a great place to ask a question, share a story, and meet other software enthusiasts. 
  • Inflectra Case Studies - explore a dozen Inflectra Case Studies and "How-To" Talks on the track we lovingly call Inflectra In Real Life. 
  • Book Talks  - We have book readings and Q&As on our Hallway track!

5. For Testing, DevOps, and Mobile Testing Eficianodos

InflectraCon 2020 Virtual, in partnership with Coveros, offers 3 half-day pre-conference certification courses from ICAgile and ASTQB on Sept 23-25, 2020. 

From Fragile to Agile: Practical Approaches to Adopting Agile:

  • gain a solid understanding of core concepts of what it means to "be agile"
  • understand the leading agile development best practices
  • get certified by the International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile)
  • get awarded the ICAgile Certified Professional designation (ICP).

Foundations of DevOps:

  • dive into the core concepts for DevOps
  • explore how DevOps practices and principles improve software quality and efficiency
  • learn the major steps required to successfully implement delivery pipelines
  • get certified by the International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile)
  • get awarded the ICAgile Certified Professional designation (ICP).

ASTQB Mobile Testing:

  • acquire skills and training to meet mobile testing challenges
  • learn effective testing techniques for testing mobile apps, mobile phones, and mobile devices.
  • get certified by the American Software Testing Qualifications Board (ASTQB).

Get your ticket today!


See you at InflectraCon!

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And if you have any questions, please email or call us at +1 (202) 558-6885