Webinar Recap: Spira v6.6 - Working With Baselines

November 24th, 2020 by Thea Maisuradze


We are happy to share with you a recap of our recent live webinar on Spira 6.6 - Project Baselining. If you missed the webinar, please enjoy this video recording.

Webinar Agenda:

The webinar will cover the following areas: 

  • Spira v6.6 at a glance

  • How baselining works in SpiraTeam and SpiraPlan

  • Inflectra's roadmap for baselining 2021.

Webinar Recording: 

Spira is our hugely successful family of management tools. Due to the great interest in this topic, we've recorded the webinar. Please enjoy the recording as a link on youtube.


If you are a Spira user or simply a fan, feel free to subscribe to our Spira playlist on our youtube channel!


Webinar Presentation:

In addition, we are happy to share with you these webinar slides from the presentation:

Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.

See you at our next webinar, but in the meantime, stay healthy, stay fit, and keep your distance. 



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And if you have any questions, please email or call us at +1 (202) 558-6885