Time To Get Excited About Inflectra's Discord Community

November 5th, 2020 by Thea Maisuradze


We are launching Inflectra's first global online community - InflectraCon365 on Discord and we want you to be a part of it! 

InflectraCon 365 is a vendor/tool-agnostic community platform, moderated by tester-practitioners. It is designed to be a hub for the robust exchange of ideas, sharing of experiences, announcements about training and work opportunities, freelancing, and blogging. Memes, geekiness, and rants about all manner of tech fails are the spice of our online community.

Join the community today!

In August 2020, we set up the interactive portion of our InflectraCon 2020 Virtual User Conference around the free and popular communication platform - Discord. During the four days of the conference, we witnessed so many thoughtful, useful, and engaging conversations on Discord that we decided it made to sense to make it our year-round platform for our community.

We have since converted the InflectraCon 2020 Discord server to InflectraCon 365 shaping it into a gathering place for everyone interested in Agile Testing, DevOps, Automation, and in new and upcoming trends in tech, more broadly, such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.


Why the InflectraCon 365 Community? 

  • If you are a budding tech enthusiast, find the information to move forward your understanding of Agile, testing, DevOps, automation, CD?CI, etc
  • If you are a testing connoisseur, this will be a forum to connect with practitioners and share your knowledge and experiences,
  • If you are an Inflectra fan, you already have a community of fellow users to tap into to gain greater insight and learn about the best practices of using our tools.
  • If you are none of the above but still want to join and learn new things, you are most welcome! 

What can I find on InflectaCon365?

  • 365 Hub- is where you land when you first get to our Discord channel. The one-way #announcment channel is where you get notifications about new and upcoming events, news, and server-wide updates. In the #welcome channel, you can say hi, introduce yourself, and ask questions. 
  • Topics - is where you can chat with fellow technologists about what interests you. You can create your own channel if the topics you care about are not listed there. 
  • Community Hub - this is where all the fun will be happening. Between #TispyTesting - virtual happy hour, #TestBowl - the software testing competition, #channeltakeovers, #booktalks, and raffles, this is the place to be! Check it out today!
  • Partner Hub - is where Inflectra's current partners, resellers, and affiliates can congregate, network, ask for advice, and to get real-time access to Inflectra's partner manager - Jessica Moore.
  • Inflectra Hub - we have reserved this space for questions coming from the Inflectra users. We will be using this space to host the monthly "Inflectra in the hot seat" series of Q&A sessions. Everyone can submit questions about the use of Inflectra's platforms - SpraTest, SpiraTeam, SpiraPlan, Rapise, KronoDesk, RemoteLaunch, etc. ahead of time or during the event itself. 
  • InflectraCon 2020 - We know how much you loved InflectraCon 2020 Virtual. So we have kept all speaker interactions, InflectraCon workshops, and advanced topics discussions untouched. This is a resource for you, just in case you need to revisit the detailed answers you got for your super-duper technical questions from our resident experts. 

How to join?

Let's build the community together!

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And if you have any questions, please email or call us at +1 (202) 558-6885