Test Automation Training While You Are Teleworking

March 27th, 2020 by Adam Sandman

software development software testing

As we discussed in our blog on Teletesting (testing while teleworking), working from home has its challenges, with difficulties in setting work/home boundaries, avoiding distractions and knowing when to take a break. However teleworking and being at home during a quarantine or lockdown is a perfect time to brush up on your skills and get some training. So, building on our new Rapise Quick Start implementation packages, we are pleased to offer some free training while you are sequestered.

Free Rapise Test Automation Training

We are right now (and for the next month until April 30th) offering Rapise training for free for your employees. Yes, you read that correct!

This offer includes training sessions, labs and if your employees successfully complete the basic course, a certificate in the end.


What Are The Benefits of Doing it Now?

Even though it feels like an eternity right now, when the current Covid-19 Coronavirus situation is over you and your employees will be ready to optimize your business processes and software testing by applying automation.


What is Covered?

We have a comprehensive list of Rapise training courses available, see the section below for more details. However for the free training, we are going to focus on the two key learning objectives and practical tasks. This will give you a good overview of test automation with Rapise and an understanding of how to manage and organize your test automation scenarios using a test management system such as SpiraTest.


Objective 1: Rapise Basics


  • Rapise IDE Basics
  • Getting Help
  • Report View
  • Test Automation Tips & Tricks
  • Recording
  • Execution
  • Spira Integration Basics

Lab Task

Record and playback a simple test. Upload the results into SpiraTest.


Objective 2: Rapise Visual Language


  • Introducing the Rapise Visual Language (RVL)
  • Data-driven Testing using RVL

Lab Task

Implement a test scenario in RVL.


Request your free training at rapise@inflectra.com

What Other Training Do We Offer?

In addition to these two free introductory sessions, we can offer the following more advanced topics upon request:

Topic Description
Getting Help Documentation web site, knowledge base, forum, YouTube channel
Rapise IDE basics Panes, settings, editor, test structure, toolbar, etc.
Report View Assertions, hierarchical view, images, errors
Test Automation Tips & Tricks No rush, short recording, application design
RVL Actions, parameters, conditional statements, loops, maps, assertions
Recording Learn how to record test steps, learn objects, add verification steps
Test Maintenance Basics Flash, relearn, screenshots, debugger
Execution Settings, delays, speed control
Data-Driven Testng Running same test with different input data
Cross-browser Testing Browser profiles, running tests in different browsers
Web Testing HTMLObject, Navigator
Web Spy Page snapshot, testing XPATH expressions, re-learning objects
WebAppProfile.json Configuring Web recorder
JavaScript Basics Writing functions in JavaScript, Rapise API
File Operations Reading, writing files
SpiraTest Integration Integrating with Spira ALM for test management
Azure DevOps Integration Running Rapise tests using Azure DevOps self-hosted agents
Jenkins Integration Running Rapise tests via Jenkins jobs
Mobile Testing, Native Testing native mobile apps on iOS and Android
Mobile Testing, Web Testing web mobile apps on iOS and Android
Testing with Selenium Running Rapise tests via Selenium WebDriver
Desktop Testing .NET, WPF, Win32, Java
API Testing, REST Creating REST API tests
API Testing, SOAP Creating SOAP API tests
Rapise Frameworks Basics Sub-tests, shared objects, shared functions, libraries, passing values between tests, invoke test from another test
Rapise Frameworks, Web Browser profiles, library loading
Rapise Frameworks, Desktop Desktop testing example
Rapise Frameworks, Hybrid Automating desktop and web application in same scenario
User Library Adding support for complex UI elements (grids, trees, etc)


We also offer training on the following specific applications being tested:

Specific Applications
Dynamics AX 2012
Dynamics NAV 2012+
Dynamics 365 for Sales
Dynamics 365 for FO
Unified Service Desk


If you are interested in getting your team trained up in Rapise at whichever level you deem necessary, please feel free to get in touch with us at Rapise@inflectra.com. 

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And if you have any questions, please email or call us at +1 (202) 558-6885