Supporting the Local DC-Tech Community - CDK Meetup

May 26th, 2017 by Adam Sandman


We are excited to be part of the local DC tech community, and we have been working to help software developers and testers get into the industry, with training and career coaching events, as well as our internship program. We also sponsor local meetups and events in the community.

Next month we'll be sponsoring our local Coders and Designers meetup in Washington, DC so we decided to attend the one this month to get a flavor of the event. Here are some photos and pictures we captured to get you in the mood for the event next month at WeWork Washington DC.

It was a rainy and damp in Washington last night, but many brave souls came out to socialize and discuss all things tech:

Even Honest Abe made an attendance (or at least in the form of a stylized cushion):

We also had a chance to check out the awesome WeWork space that we'll be hosting our event in next month:

If you're in the Washington, DC are on June 15th, please join us at the CDK Meetup @ WeWork K St.

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And if you have any questions, please email or call us at +1 (202) 558-6885