Spotlight on Rapise 5.2: Data Driven Testing

July 17th, 2017 by Adam Sandman

testing software development

We are busy bees this summer, and one of the most exciting new features of Rapise is the fact that we're adding support for data-driven testing using the new Rapise Visual Language (RVL) with the introduction of Maps and Loops to the new scriptless language.

Data-Driven Testing with Maps and Loops

The new maps and loops functionality will let you create data ranges in Excel and map a set of Rapise actions and steps to the data-range. For example, you can create a simple login test with a set of actions, have a data range of the various usernames and password, then run the login steps through the entire data-range.



One of our automation experts - Alexey Grinevich demonstrates how to use the Rapise visual language and maps to create data-driven test without any programming script or code:


Future Plans for Data-Driven Testing

As we mentioned in our blog on the plans for SpiraTest, we are adding a new module called Test Configurations. This will let you define different data sets within SpiraTest based on lists of custom values (e.g. a grid of all the browsers, operating systems and logins we need to test against). Once that is available in SpiraTest, we shall be updating Rapise and RemoteLaunch to make use of these new test configurations to drive the test cases as well as being able to use Excel tables and databases as is currently the case.

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And if you have any questions, please email or call us at +1 (202) 558-6885