Spira for Non-Software Applications: Covid-19 Mask Testing | InflectraCon 2020 IRL

October 30th, 2020 by Thea Maisuradze

project management inflectracon

Our annual user conference - InflectraCon 2020: Agile Software Testing & DevOps Conference is in the rearview mirror. Today, we are proud to present the Inflectra In Real Life (IRL) talk by our partner sponsor - NVP Software Solutions, called Spira for Non-Software Applications: Covid-19 Mask Testing.

The session focuses on how Spira supports the testing of Covid-19 masks under varying conditions and the transit application.

Enjoy the recording below!


InflectraCon 2020 | IRL Video | Spira for Non-Software Applications: Covid-19 Mask Testing


InflectraCon 2020 | IRL Presentation | Spira for Non-Software Applications: Covid-19 Mask Testing

Coming soon!


InflectraCon 2020 | Spira for Non-Software Applications: Covid-19 Mask Testing | About The Presenter

Neil Price-Jones has 34 years of experience in software testing in a variety of areas like financial systems, telecommunications systems, and pension administration. NVP Software Solutions is dedicated solely to Software Quality Assurance and Software Testing. Founded by Neil Price-Jones in 1993 in Ontario, NVP provides customized solutions based on best practices and years of dedicated experience. They develop professional relationships with our resources so that we can best match our clients’ needs with our resources’ abilities.

For more InflectraCon 2020 session recordings, please visit our InflectraCon Hub!

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