QA Metrics for Software Quality & Testing

September 30th, 2024 by Adam Sandman

quality assurance

Without clear and measurable data, your project’s quality assurance may quickly become unmanageable. When it comes to software development, effective QA metrics are not just about identifying areas of concern, they direct continuous improvement and deliver better products to meet (and surpass) user expectations. They also provide invaluable insights into your development process, turning the abstract concept of “quality” into concrete data points that can be analyzed and improved.

Why are Clear Metrics Important?

“Quality” is difficult to achieve without a clear target. KPIs and benchmarks act as those targets, providing a measurable reference point to track progress. QA metrics create clarity around expectations and outcomes not only for current projects, but future ones as well. With these in place, teams can see where issues pop up, plan resolution and mitigation strategies, and continuously improve processes for upcoming projects.

What to Look for in QA Metrics

When choosing QA metrics, it’s essential to look for ones that are objective, relevant, measurable, and regularly updated:

  • Objectivity: Avoid measurements that can be manipulated or influenced by interpretation or bias. The goal is to get a clear, straightforward view of your project's health with definitive and irrefutable data.
  • Relevance: Don't measure something just because you can — each metric should provide actionable data on aspects of the project that matter and align with goals.
  • Measurability: If you can't measure it, you can't improve it. Selected metrics need to be quantifiable and consistently trackable over time.
  • Timeliness: Outdated metrics are not useful for what you’re doing today. Choose metrics that are regularly kept up-to-date so you maintain that measurement’s relevance.

Top QA Metrics & KPIs for Software Testing

Now that we've established the importance of quality metrics and what to look for, let's cover specific examples. These KPIs will help you gauge QA effectiveness and flag areas for improvement. Again, choose the metrics that are most useful for your project — this is key to evaluating success and progress:

Defect Resolution Percentage

Tracks the proportion of defects that have been successfully resolved within a specific timeframe. A high percentage means that bugs are being addressed quickly, while a low percentage might indicate bottlenecks or understaffing. This KPI highlights how well your team is managing its bug-fixing workload and helps identify if resources need to be reallocated.


Defect Resolution Percentage = (Defects Resolved / Total Defects Found) * 100

Bug Escape Rate

Refers to the defects that slip through the QA phase and into production. A high number of escaped bugs suggests gaps in test coverage or flaws in the testing methodology. This metric is often a wake-up call for teams, emphasizing the real-world consequences of inadequate testing and QA strategies.

Defect Reopen Count


Bug Escape Rate = (Bugs Found After Release / Total Bugs Found) * 100

Cost per Bug Fix

Calculates the financial impact associated with fixing a single bug (including the labor, time, and any other resources for identifying and resolving defects). Monitoring it helps you manage costs and pinpoint which issues take up the most resources, which can justify investments in preventive measures. For example, if this cost is high, it might be more cost-effective to invest in better testing tools or processes to catch bugs earlier in the development cycle.


Cost per Bug Fix = (Total Cost of Bug Fixing / Number of Bugs Fixed)

Bugs Found vs. Bugs Fixed

Simple but important ratio that compares the total number of bugs identified to the number resolved. If more bugs are being found than fixed, it signals an unsustainable trajectory that will slow down the development cycle. On the other hand, a higher fix rate means more efficient issue management.

Defect Discovery vs. Fixed Rate


Bugs Found vs. Fixed Ratio = (Bugs Fixed / Bugs Found)

Defects per Requirement

Measures the average number of defects for each software requirement. A high rate could imply problematic or complex requirements that need more refinement, or miscommunication within the team. This metric helps teams elevate their planning and ensure that requirements are clearly communicated and understood from the start.

Defects per Requirement


Defects per Requirement = (Total Defects Found / Total Number of Requirements)

Defects per Software Change

Every time code is changed, new defects or vulnerabilities can be introduced. This KPI tracks the number of issues that arise from each code modification. A high ratio likely means that more thorough code reviews or improved testing processes for changes are needed. Monitoring it can help identify higher-risk changes and better code review practices, while also helping teams understand the ripple effects of their changes.


Defects per Software Change = (Total Defects Found / Number of Software Changes Made)

Defect Distribution by Severity

Not all bugs are created equal, so categorizing them by severity (critical, high, medium, low, etc.) gives useful insight into how impactful the bugs are. A high percentage of critical or high-severity bugs could be a symptom of fundamental issues in the development process or architecture. Teams should prioritize their efforts based on the severity of the defects so that high-priority issues are resolved first.

Defects by Severity


Defect Distribution by Severity = ([Severity Level] Defects / Total Defects) * 100

Average Defect Age

The longer a defect goes unresolved, the higher the risk of it impacting project delivery. Average defect age essentially measures how long between an issue being detected and it being fixed. It shows whether your team is able to resolve issues promptly or if there is opportunity to streamline their resolution process. By decreasing the average defect age, teams can improve customer satisfaction and reduce the risk of bugs snowballing over time.

Defect Aging


Average Defect Age = ∑ (Date Fixed - Date Detected) / Total Defects

Mean Time to Detect

Before resolution comes detection, and MTTD tracks how quickly this happens after an issue has been introduced into the system. Its primary function is to assess how effective your testing processes are at catching bugs early. A shorter detection time is obviously ideal because it allows teams to respond quickly before the issue escalates. On the other hand, a high MTTD may imply a need for more frequent testing, better monitoring, or more comprehensive test coverage (more on this below).


MTTD = ∑ (Date Detected - Date Introduced) / Total Defects

Tests per Period

Measures the total number of tests executed within a specific timeframe (daily, weekly, per sprint, etc.). While simple, this is important for understanding testing velocity and efficiency. Teams can gauge whether their testing efforts are ramping up or slowing down (if the latter, automation might be necessary), and if they have the necessary coverage to ensure quality.

Tests Per Period Graph


Tests per Period = (Total Tests Executed / Period of Time)

Test Coverage

Calculates what percentage of the codebase is covered by test cases. Higher coverage means that more of the code is tested, resulting in a lower risk of undetected bugs. However, keep in mind that 100% coverage might not always be possible or worth the resources, so try to strike a healthy middle ground. The amount of test coverage is also not the only factor here, as high coverage with low-quality tests can still lead to low-quality code and buggy software.


Test Coverage = (Lines of Code Executed by Test Cases / Total Lines of Code) * 100

Test Review Efficiency

Checks how well your test cases are reviewed and approved, tracking the number of review cycles needed to approve a test case. A higher rate usually means a more effective initial test design, while lower rates may signal the need for training, clearer standards, or more resources for reviewing.


Test Review Efficiency = (Tests Reviewed / Total Tests Requiring Review) * 100

Test Reliability

Evaluates how consistently test cases provide accurate results. For example, if a test often creates false positives, inconsistent results from the same inputs, or misses issues, it’s unreliable. Tracking failures from these unreliable tests helps your QA process remain trustworthy and dependable, reducing time spent investigating false alarms.


Test Reliability = 1 - (Indeterministic or Inconsistent Tests / Total Tests)

Test Completion Status

The percentage of tests that have actually been executed compared to the planned tests. It helps teams figure out whether they’re on track to complete testing within their timelines or if resource adjustments are needed. For instance, a low completion rate might indicate unrealistic planning, resource constraints, or unforeseen complications in testing.


Test Completion Status = (Test Executed / Total Planned Tests) * 100

Enhanced Testing Pipelines & QA Coverage with Spira

By monitoring the right metrics, you can get ahead of potential issues, improve your processes, and deliver the highest quality products possible — on time and within budget. Tools like SpiraTest and Rapise streamline testing and QA efforts to make your product as resilient as possible and your analysis as easy as possible. They make your developers’ and project managers’ lives easier with custom report dashboards that display important KPIs and trends for each project, using powerful AI and ML capabilities to maximize your test automation value in the background. From self-healing tests and test validation to integrated bug tracking and release management, our platforms provide the ultimate toolset for improving QA processes and effectiveness. Hear what our partners think or try a free 30-day trial for yourself!

Spira Helps You Deliver Quality Software, Faster and with Lower Risk.

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