Save The Date: North America User Summits

March 3rd, 2017 by Thea Maisuradze


It is no secret that our work revolves around our amazing community of partners, product users, followers and fellow software enthusiasts. So, this year we are upping our game in building our user community worldwide through various Inflectra Gives Back Initiatives.

We know full well that it is a privilege to work with all of you. That’s why we are making time to get to know you better. And we figured the best way to connect is to get together and talk about things we have in common, i.e. Inflectra’s simple tools that help you build your awesome products. So, save the dates of two User Summits in North America!

As a step toward forming closer ties and giving you a scoop of what comes next in our agile software development efforts, we invite you to Inflectra’s inaugural North America User Summit. We noticed that North America is an entire continent, so we are hosting two User Summits: one on the east coast in Boston, MA and the other one on the west, in San-Francisco, CA.

These User Summits will have a mix of presentations and open space forums where we can discuss our plans, get your feedback and hear your ideas for new features:

  • Inflectra Presentation - news and product roadmaps
  • Partner Presentation - news from our local partners
  • Facilitated Sessions:
    • Pet Peeves & Feedback
    • Ideas & New Features
  • Q&A Session with Inflectra team
  • Social Event

East Coast User Summit: May 18th

Our first North America User Summit will take place on May 18th, from 2pm - 6:00pm in Boston, MA. This event is open to all our customers on the east coast, and anyone nearby, who would like to come. So, bring a colleague, a business partner or a software enthusiast friend and let’s share the good stuff!  

We will be sending out invitations by email in the weeks ahead. In the meantime, we’ve set up an Eventbrite event for you to RSVP:

West Coast User Summit: September 28th

Our second User Summit will be held on September 28th, from 2pm - 6:00pm in San-Francisco, CA. This event too is open to our customers on the west coast, and their business associates. So, please spread the word!

Again, invitations will come via email over the summer, but if you can’t wait that long, we’ve already set up an Eventbrite event. So, save the date:

Looking Ahead

The two North America Summits are part of our 2017 plan to engage with our user communities around the world. As you know, we are also holding events in Europe: in London, UK, Zurich, CH and Mannheim, DE in March 2017. In addition, we hope to visit Australia and New Zealand in 2018 to meet our users there.

We are considering making User Summits the highlight of our annual user outreach. If you are a partner and interested in hosting, please let us know. Who better to help us navigate the idiosyncrasies of local scene than you? Write to us, we are always here:

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And if you have any questions, please email or call us at +1 (202) 558-6885