Recap: Agility in Healthcare – Insights from Clinical and Surgical Settings

March 9th, 2021 by Thea Maisuradze

life sciences webinar

On March 4, we hosted a webinar on Agility in Healthcare Services: Clinical and Surgical Settings with Sriram Rajagopalan, Ph.D. We had a few technical difficulties during the event, which we overcame by re-recording the event. In this recording, our esteemed speaker covers the following topics: 

  • Stages of agility in the healthcare setting
  • Responsibilities of Healthcare professionals toward outcome management 
  • Risk Management and Process Guidance in Clinical and Surgical Settings
  • Applying agile thinking in the Healthcare setting. 

The webinar presentation, blog, and recording are enclosed here đź‘‡

Context Matters: Agility in Healthcare – Insights from Clinical and Surgical Settings

If there ever was one domain where requirements constantly emerged requiring product customization at an end-user level, healthcare would be it. Healthcare, as a field, sees this level of the constant change of requirements and customization of treatment options at an individual patent level. Yet, there is a rejection of agility as a framework in healthcare and its allied fields. If agility is a mindset and change is the only constant, then the question should not be if agility can be applied in the healthcare domain, but can healthcare survive without agility? Furthermore, can healthcare optimize for risks and costs in the absence of agility to cater to individualized treatment plans while simultaneously experimenting with holistic options for improving healthcare outcomes?

Surprisingly, the principles of agility and lean are already applicable in the healthcare context. Whether it is an annual visit to the physician’s office or going through specific appointments for maternal care, diabetes, arthritis management, or seeking counsel for therapy or surgery, the principles of agility are everywhere.

Every healthcare interaction:

  • starts with a goal
  • moves into a planning phase focusing on the most important value contributor to the patient
  • progresses onward to creating a customized treatment plan that applies the iterative and incremental approaches.

Surgical planning for complex scenarios applies similar agile patterns, and many healthcare organizations see the need for self-managed teams to handle the spikes in demand. By collaborating with other teams and extending agile principles, organizations report improved outcomes in telehealth options, substance abuse, and patient adherence.

In this webinar, Dr. Sriram Rajagopalan lays out his own foundation for the Agile Healthcare Manifesto and as well as shares his experiential knowledge about the role of agility in the healthcare domain. 


Webinar Recording: 

If you are interested in the content about software quality and agile transformation in the context of regulated industries, please subscribe to this youtube playlist!


Webinar Presentation:

Also, we are happy to share with you these webinar slides from the presentation:

Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.

See you at our next webinar, but in the meantime, stay healthy, keep your distance, and get vaccinated! 


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