Recap: Agile Testing Days 2019 - Potsdam, Germany

November 18th, 2019 by Thea Maisuradze


Have you ever wondered why some conferences have more dedicated following than others? We did too, prior to our visit to Agile Testing Days 2019 in Potsdam, Germany!

Now we know and we are happy to let you in on this open secret.


The Agile Testing Days 2019 kicked off with Xtestathon on Sunday, Nov 2. For those new to our blogs on social testing, Xtestathon is a software testing contest for teams who are not afraid of challenges.

The Xtestathon organizers: Bart Knaack and Andrei Contan chose Inflectra's flagship test management software - SpiraTest to run this competition on. The software under test was Vivaldi - a browser, which was tested for its accessibility features. The Xtestathon gods threw some epic challenges at all 6 teams (as seen here 👇) : 

After 2 hours of testing with oven mitts, while making balloon animals, coloring in an ATD unicorn, doing squats and push-ups, the SpiraTest scoreboard looked like this: 

The submissions were evaluated by a panel of judges and the winners were awarded awesome prizes, including free tickets to ATD 2020! The awards ceremony coincided with the other fun evening event: "the 80's Glam Rock Party" ðŸ‘‡ (hence the glamorous outfits):

Congrats to all the winners and participants!

That 80s Party

And then there was this party, where everyone dressed up as their favorite 80s characters. 

Team Inflectra and Katy, a representative of our German Partner - PTA gmbh are seen here enjoying the reception before the dance party. A huge thank you to Katy & PTA for having our backs.

Work, Work, Work 

But throughout an all this fun and merry-making, Team Inflectra was working hard! 

And in our hard work, alongside PTA, we were joined by Brigitte from effimag - a consulting group and Inflectra's long-term partner in Switzerland. Thank you effimag for your support! 

Harmony - By Inflectra

At the sponsor speed round on Nov 6th, we got to talk to all 600 attendees about what we think makes Inflectra special - our core value of working in harmony with others: people, software, and ecosystems. Here is what Adam had to say about working in harmony Inflectra-style: 

We are thrilled to be part of the Agile Testing Days community and are looking forward to seeing you all in Potsdam, in 2020. 

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And if you have any questions, please email or call us at +1 (202) 558-6885