Inflectra's Devopsdays DC 2022 Experience

September 20th, 2022 by Kendra Stansel

devops conference

Inflectra was proud to sponsor and attend the DevOpsDays DC 2022 at the Ronald Reagan and International Trade Center in downtown DC. It was proven the DevOps community was thrilled to be back in person for the first time since 2019, as the event had a great turnout of attendees. During this two-day event, attendees were able to attend sessions, visit sponsor booths, and most importantly, network with others in this shared space. 

Here are some highlights Inflectra’s attendees observed at the conference.

The conference was a success in many ways. 

  • DevopsDays programming format with morning Keynote speakers, early afternoon Ignite talks, and afternoon Open Sessions where topics we selected by attendees each day offered great opportunities for learning, collaboration, and interaction.  
  • Keynote and ignite topics included challenges faced in regulated industries (Government and Healthcare), striving for agile delivery, Chaos engineering, Microservices, Risk Evaluation, and people skills (team development, empowerment, ways to avoid burnout).

  • A standout talk that garnered a lot of discussion amongst the attendees was Marianne Belotti’s talk Killer Robots and Rogue AI: lessons for technologists from safety science which discussed the relevance of safety science research in developing and scaling systems.

  • John Willis, one of the co-authors of the book Investments Unlimited - A Novel which discusses an investment bank dealing with DevOps, DevSecOps, and IT Risk, was on hand signing book copies and discussing his latest work.
  • Our partner team enjoyed the opportunity to engage with other DC-based companies. We learned more about new tools in the DevOps pipeline and made some excellent connections with potential technology partners and consultancies.
  • The sponsors were in the amphitheater where the talks took place. It felt like a full and active space - very refreshing after several years of virtual events or low-turnout live events. It also gave us a chance to explore the swag distributed by other vendors, which is always fun!

Overall the Inflectra team enjoyed this bustling conference and the opportunity to meet so many local members of the DevOps community.  Thanks again to the DevOpsDays team for a great event.

The Inflectra Team

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