Inflectra Gets its First Woman Tech Intern

November 3rd, 2017 by Thea Maisuradze


It has been almost a year since we started our internship program. The premise of this undertaking has always been simple - Inflectra wanted to give back to the community by building up in-demand coding skills among young and aspiring techies in the metropolitan DC area.

So, this week we started a new round of internships and (drum roll, please.....) we got our first woman coder!

Her name is Julie and we are excited about working with her. 

As part of Julie's  assignment, she will work on improving her coding skills, learn about Inflectra’s software testing and management tools and hopefully blog about her internship experience. 

This time around, we also have a returning intern – Peter. Peter is still in high school, and interned with us in the spring 2017. He was looking to learn more about coding. So, we welcomed him back and Simon – who bravely continues to shoulder the responsibility for working with and mentoring our interns, sees a bright future ahead for Peter.

Past Interns

Others who interned with Inflectra developed add-ons or integrations for Inflectra’s software and wrote about tools they developed. We helped them get their work seen on github and Linked-in.

To-date, we had seven interns, and five of them found gainful employment after finishing their two months’ long stints with Inflectra. They are all bright individuals and we wish them success. 

So, if you are interested in interning with us, feel free to get in touch. 

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And if you have any questions, please email or call us at +1 (202) 558-6885