How To Convince Your Boss To Send You To InflectraCON 2022 | A Cheat Sheet

January 25th, 2022 by Thea Maisuradze


If you are like me, you probably have a number of conferences that you'd love to go to but are put off by the idea of having to plead your case with your boss. It is daunting, it takes time to research the benefits of attending, it is a distraction from your day job, it is yet another email you need to write. ARGH....  Long story short - you can not be bothered. 

Enter Thea from InflectraCON and her ready-made email template you can use to justify why it is an excellent idea to send you to InflectraCON - Inflectra's global user conference taking place in Washington DC on May 5-6, 2022.

I know you are busy, so let's dive in! 

Email Template

Hello [NAME],


Re: Why I must attend InflectraCon 2022 


I’m writing to ask for approval to attend Inflectra’s User Conference of the year, InflectraCON 2022, on May 5-6, 2022, in Washington, DC. 


InflectraCon 2022 is two full days of:

  • live, hands-on user training, including:
    • 12 hours of deep dives into product features and administration
    • 3 hours of learning about advanced topics and new functionality in Inflectra’s platforms
  • 3 interactive 1-on-1 sessions with the Inflectra Team
  • A roundtable discussion about the Inflectra product roadmap
  • Spira, and Rapise Fundamentals' Certifications
  • a multi-track Agile Testing & DevOps Conference with over 20 industry leaders presenting
  • 3 expert panels on the emerging trends, risks, and opportunities in tech, life sciences, and BFSI sectors
  • networking with and learning from other users of the Inflectra platforms and techies like you
  • leveraging the Inflectra's Partners offerings, covering adjacent technologies, managed services, and consulting
  • a fun and fabulous Star Wars-themed party to rekindle friendships with your teammates, make new friends, and meet your peers from the DC tech scene.

In addition to diving into content-rich sessions led by Team Inflectra experts, I will get to connect with this industry’s top professionals. At a total cost of about $X, it's the most cost-effective way to ensure that we’re getting the most from our Inflectra platform investment and should result in an immediate ROI.


In particular, I’d like to focus on finding solutions or best practices that could benefit these projects and initiatives:


• [add project or initiative]

• [add project or initiative]

• [add project or initiative]


Onsite I will join fellow Spira and Rapise users, Inflectra technology partners, and industry speakers in 20+ training sessions, 4 keynote talks, 4 Industry panels, and 20+ thought leadership sessions and interact with Team Inflectra in the 1-on-1 couch sessions. The opportunity to meet face-to-face with Inflectra and build our relationship is invaluable, and something that I can leverage across projects I am running next year.


Here’s an approximate breakdown of conference costs:



$ X

Transportation: (round trip taxi from the airport to hotel)

Roughly $30-$40

Hotel: Kellogg Conference Hotel, Gallaudet University, Washington, DC

3 nights

$189/night + $12 fee + 14.5% tax

Early Bird Registration Fee (expires on Jan 31, 2022)

$399,99 + tax




$ X


Additionally, InflectraCON offers a robust cancellation policy, with money-back guarantees. The details are listed on the event website. This minimizes the business risk to our company.


I’ll submit a post-conference report that will include an executive summary, major takeaways, tips, and a set of recommendations to maximize our current investments in Inflectra’s platforms (Spira & Rapise). I can also share relevant information with key personnel throughout the company.


Thank you for considering this request. I look forward to your reply. Please let me know if I have to sign -off to attend—the earlier I get tickets the more cost-friendly they will be!






Give this approach a try. It will do no harm, but it may further convince your boss that you are committed to excellence in your work. 

I hope to see you at InflectraCON 2022!

Do let me know if this email helped - and if you end up attending the conference, seek me out and let's chat! 



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