How Can SpiraTeam and Rapise Can Help Your Career

December 19th, 2016 by Adam Sandman


In our recent (and unrelated) Linked-In search we were pleasantly surprised to find that over 3,000 people have listed at least one of Inflectra's products - either SpiraTest, SpiraTeam or Rapise on their resumes. And while you are poking around to check the accuracy of this statement, note the number of companies around the world that have openings for QA managers, scrum masters, project managers, developers and testers.


That made us think - how can we help our customers and users with their careers?

Some Ideas We'd Like to Try

We brainstormed some ideas for ways we can help you leverage your knowledge, skills and passion for Inflectra products into marketable skills and find career opportunities based on those skills:

  1. Have a YouTube competition where users can post 2-minute videos of innovative ways they have used SpiraTest. We'd publicize the winners to our partners and customers
  2. Provide more tools (videos, blogs, training curricula) to help our users become certified in our products and have tangible qualifications to show future employers
  3. Create a Job-seekers group for Inflectra's products on our website, Linked-In or Facebook (do you have a preference)?
  4. Have a GitHub competition, where users can submit interesting code samples showing how they have used Spira's or KronoDesk's API or build an interesting test extension for Rapise. The winners would get a prize and their work would be showcased to future/current customers.

Open It Up to the Floor!

These are just some of our ideas, what do you think? Do you have some ideas that we've not thought of?

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And if you have any questions, please email or call us at +1 (202) 558-6885