Going the Extra Mile with SpiraTest v5.2

March 15th, 2017 by Adam Sandman

test management software testing

Over the years, we have received countless requests to introduce a feature allowing users to "hand-off" a test run that is already in progress from one tester to another. This lets person A do some testing and then dynamically hand it over to person B who can finish off the test run. In the current version (5.1) you have to start a new test execution. Well now.... despite us telling customers that this feature would probably not be included in Spiratest v5.2, we have some good news and some better news:

Photo credit: Gian-Reto Tarnutzer via Unsplash

First, The Good News

Our team heard your pain and have been able to include in v5.2 the ability for a user to re-assign any of their pending test runs:


Simply click on the person icon, then in the popup dialog box, choose the name of the person you want to assign it to:


Then when you click Assign, it disappears from your 'My Page' and appears in the 'My Page' for the other user.

Now the Better News

That wasn't enough, since the code is pretty much the same, we went one step further....

Test Managers have often lamented the lack of a view of all the pending test runs from all their testers. Well, that wait is now over:


They can now see all of the pending test runs in the project, and reassign the pending test run to another tester.

We hope you are as excited about these new features as we are!


Happy Testing!

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And if you have any questions, please email or call us at +1 (202) 558-6885