GitHub Plugin Now Available for Spira

August 9th, 2018 by Adam Sandman

software development

At Inflectra, we love making our customers lives easier. That’s why we make it easy to use other tools in conjunction with ours. We’re really excited to announce a brand-new integration with a product we all know and love – GitHub.  

GitHub is an extremely popular website for open-source and inner-source projects alike, with a lightweight bug tracker built right into each code repository. With the help of our intern, Peter, we have crafted a new plug-in that synchronizes issues in GitHub with a project right inside SpiraTest/SpiraTeam/SpiraPlan.

The plugin lets you create new issues in either system and synchronize the new items in both directions:

With our new plug-in, you can easily see new issues created in GitHub right inside your defect management system. Comments, releases (milestones), and statuses will automatically sync, so you don’t have to worry about managing two separate systems.  

With Inflectra’s new GitHub Data Sync plug-in, you can just worry about resolving the issue, and we’ll handle the rest.

To learn more about all the things Spira family of products can do for you and your team, visit


Happy Testing!



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