Getting Smart With Inflectra

February 13th, 2017 by Adam Sandman

training community

Remember when we asked you for your ideas for how we can help your career? Well, we had a great response, and the clear winner was for us to provide tools to help you become trained and certified in our products. Working with our colleagues at Agile Training Champions, we have developed an initial course list for our products.

The Inflectra Training Pyramid

We have worked to break down our products into different sets of skills and created a training curriculum for the different disciplines and levels:


In this article we will be providing the list of courses that are available as well as how they map to the different roles in typical projects.


Then in the next few weeks, we shall be releasing detailed checklists for each of the course modules so that you can self-certify your knowledge and skills. In addition, our partners will then be developing training courses based on the different modules.


You can download the course list as an Excel Spreadsheet from our website.


SpiraTeam Training Modules

We have defined the following course modules for SpiraTeam (including SpiraTest and SpiraPlan):

They cover the main disciplines (requirements, testing, development, project management and administration)

Rapise Training Modules

We have defined the following Rapise course modules:

They cover the main disciplines (general test automation, web testing, mobile testing, desktop application testing, and API testing) plus some advanced topics

KronoDesk Training Modules

We have defined the following KronoDesk course modules:

They cover the main areas of KronoDesk (help desk, knowledge base and forums) as well as the administration modules.


How Does that Relate to My Role?

We have mapped the different course modules to the typical roles you will find on a project:

This is not a prescriptive list, it was created to simply illustrate how the different people working in  your organization could be trained and certified. With the rise of hybrid methodologies and the convergence of roles such as business analyst and product owner, plus the fusion of developers and IT service delivery due to DevOps, you will need to customize the list to match how your organization works.


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And if you have any questions, please email or call us at +1 (202) 558-6885