Expanding Inflectra’s User Universe One Country At A Time

June 9th, 2017 by Thea Maisuradze

conference community

Team Inflectra is traveling to Israel to participate in DevGeekWeek2017 – an annual, 5-day conference on all aspects of software development. Three Inflectra software engineers will give talks, meet face-to-face with Inflectra’s partners, customers and users and organize social events in Herzliya, Israel between June 19 and 22, 2017.

So, if you are in town for this exciting conference, look up Inflectra, get on our guest list and get much more out of your participation in DevGeekWeek2017.

Inflectra is hitting the road again!

Back in May 2017, when Inflectra sponsored Israeli Software Testing Cup (ISTC) and supported a software tester competition that ran exclusively on Inflectra’s software testing tool -  SpiraTest, we did not realize it will morph into yet another road trip. (You may recall our User Summits in London/UK, Zurich/CH, Mannheim/DE, Boston MA/USA earlier this year.) Obviously, we love trotting around the globe, especially if it helps us get to know our partners and community of users better. Bonus points if we can squeeze in social gatherings with other software testers and testing enthusiasts.

Nurturing our global community of users

In Israel, where we have a sizable user community, Inflectra plans to host events within DevGeekWeek2017 as well as outside the scope of this exciting conference. 

At the conference:

Inflectra will be presenting two topics within DevGeekWeek2017:

  1. Our talk on software testing by Adam Sandman falls under a rubric: Real Testing Scenario Strategy on June 21
  2. Inflectra’s two other software engineers: Denis Markovtsev and Alexey Grinevich will talk about resilient test automation in the context of a seminar called: Testing Automation Different Aspects on June 22.

Outside of the conference:

Outside of the official conference business, Team Inflectra has set up a number of social and professional events for its partners, customers and the public-at-large.

  1. Our valued partners and customers in Israel can enjoy uninterrupted face-to-face conversation with the Director of Inflectra. Between June 20 and 22, Adam Sandman will be at Daniel Hotel in Herzliya, Israel to keep our partners and customers apprised of new product roadmaps, and new and exciting product enhancements. Most importantly, however, it will be an opportunity for users to exchange ideas and suggestions with Inflectra about potential new product features. If you are a partner or a customer and are looking to have the Director’s ear, feel free to set up a meeting here: http://doodle.com/poll/qfaewv2gp5n4xe7t
  2. If you are a tester, programmer, project manager or a software testing enthusiast, we have a sweet event for you too; Join us for an evening of socializing on June 21 for a gathering we call: Testing:{!(script || bother)}  😊 This event is open to public, with a sign-up via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/testingscript-bother-tickets-35210945887

Inflectra is always looking for new ways to strengthen its user community. We have been travelling all over the world to meet our partners and customers; We are writing whitepapers, blogs, and background papers; We are giving free webinars to testers and are organizing tech events locally in Silver Spring, MD, USA because we want others to love what we do as much as we do.

Shout-out to Israeli Software Testing Cup (ISTC)

Organized with the help of our long-time SpiraTest Champion - Anna Lucovsky, the preliminary round of the competition took place online on May 19, 2017, and brought together 26 teams of testers.

Inflectra wishes to recognize 13 women testers who participated in ISTC - forming eight teams and five solo testers. Thank you for participating. You make us proud! 

After three intense hours of testing of RADIOMIZE - a mobile app, SpiraTest helped testers find 368 bugs. Thirteen finalists (six teams of two and a solo woman-tester) were propelled into ISTC finals on June 19, 2017. Team Inflectra will be present at the ISTC finals and the ISTC Award Ceremony on June 22.

We wish all contestants the best of luck!

And let the games begin!

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And if you have any questions, please email or call us at +1 (202) 558-6885