The Future of Enterprise Agile Planning

March 20th, 2018 by Adam Sandman

agile devops

In a recent survey, we were asked to give our thoughts and ideas as to what the world of Agile software development would look like in 5-years time (2023). In this blog we discuss some of the challenges and innovations, provide some predictions for the future, and explore three vignettes of that future world.

Background: The Agile Principles:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

  • Working software over comprehensive documentation

  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

  • Responding to change over following a plan

The future of Agile development and planning in 2023 will look very different than today:

  • Computers will be writing more of the code
  • Rules and regulations will demand documentation
  • Outsourced, freelancer economies redefine “customer”
  • Investments at the program level need plans

So how do you remain agile and support the enterprise?

What will the world look like in 2023?

  • Developers will be using different tools and frameworks than they do today.

  • Machine learning and AI will be part of many software projects.

  • Requirements will describe models that get refined by feedback and coded by computers

  • Users will be using different interfaces at work – watch, glass, touch, IOT, HUD, VR, etc

  • Clouds and systems will be partitioned to address data privacy and regulatory constraints
  • We will still have human testers, designers, engineers and managers

Based on these predictions, we created three sample vignettes to explore how agile software development, DevOps, and ALM will look:

Example 1: Self-Driving Vehicles

  • Significant amount of safety & quality documentation (ISO 26262)

  • Embraces agile methodologies with regulatory oversight

  • Machine-learning algorithms, high-level user “requirements” tied to self-learning feedback loop

  • Melding of hardware and software components, external interfaces

  • Security built into lifecycle (SecOps)


Example 2: Healthcare IT Systems

  • Data privacy and compliance rules at the project team level

  • Need to federate data between project, program and enterprise

  • Ability to isolate HIPAA, PHI data from management data

  • Strong audit ability, electronic signatures and traceability

  • Agile approach in between specific regulated phases


Example 3: The Virtual Company

  • No physical office locations, all workers co-work or telework
  • Collaboration tools integrated highly into work streams
  • No salaried employees, 100% freelance, contract workers
  • Strong requirements for time, utilization management
  • Agile, goal driven freelance approach with rigorous metrics

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