Advantages of Integrating a DevSecOps Pipeline with Spira | InflectraCon 2020 IRL

November 6th, 2020 by Thea Maisuradze

devops inflectracon

We have recently hosted Inflectra's annual user conference - InflectraCon. In 2020, we have dedicated InflectraCon to Agile Software Testing and DevOps theme and held it virtually. InflectraCon 2020 combined multiple tracks, of which, one - called Inflectra in Real Life or IRL in short - showcased the various uses of the Inflectra platforms (SpiraTest, SpiraTeam, SpiraPlan, Rapise, Kronodesk, etc.)

Today, we present an InflectraCon 2020 IRL talk by our Sponsor - Coveros. The session focuses on how the Spira toolset can be used in a DevSecOps pipeline, giving you the tools needed to get rapid feedback and quickly find and fix defects.

Enjoy this recap!

InflectraCon 2020 | IRL Video | Advantages of Integrating a DevSecOps Pipeline with the Spira Family of Tools


InflectraCon 2020 | IRL Presentation | Advantages of Integrating a DevSecOps Pipeline with the Spira Family of Tools


InflectraCon 2020 |  Advantages of Integrating a DevSecOps Pipeline with the Spira Family of Tools | About The Presenter

Hugo Sanchez is a Managing Consultant with Coveros, Inc., a software company that helps organizations build, test, and deliver secure, reliable software applications using agile methods. Hugo has over 20 years of software development, software assurance, project management, and product management experience with a wide range of software products and applications. Coveros helps organizations accelerate the delivery of secure, reliable software. Its DevOps engineers help companies automate their agile development, testing, security, and delivery practices. Coveros improves the delivery of mission-critical software through consulting, coaching, and training programs.


For more InflectraCon 2020 session recordings, please visit our InflectraCon Hub!

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