The Top 3 Tools In Automated UI Testing for Dynamics AX

August 7th, 2017 by Thea Maisuradze

testing software development

Ever wonder which automated UI testing software to use for Dynamics AX ?

We have a review that compares the three top tools on the market: Visual Studio Coded UI, Rapise and AXeptance. Read how each of them fair when tested against the following five criteria:

  1. functionality
  2. ease of use & maintenance
  3. date-driven testing
  4. reliability
  5. speed

1. Visual Studio Coded UI

Data-driven. When creating tests from the data from a file, a certain amount of hand-coding is required:  for every method recorded, a method to add parameters is automatically generated and we can pass it a data column by adding a line of code...

2. Rapise

Reliable. Rapise is reliable: tests executed in identical conditions yield identical results (unless AX fails to recognize a button click, as can happen with a human user). However, as can be seen above, the use of personalization within AX will cause the tests to fail. A controlled testing environment is required if the tests cannot be run on cleared usage data.

3. Axeptance

Functional. The UI tests created with Axeptance do fulfill their goals when they can be recorded successfully.

This is just is a sampling from the review, which is available in full as a whitepaper: Automated Testing of Dynamics AX - Comparison of Tools

Rapise integration with Dynamics AX

If you need more information on how Rapise integrates with Dynamics AX, read our whitepaper.

And if you are unsure, check out our Microsoft Dynamics Solutions - Which One Do You Have?

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