October 29th, 2021
On October 28, Inflectra hosted a webinar called Rapise 7.1: New Functionality and Enhancements. Denis Markovtsev, Principal Software Developer, covered the following topics in the live webinar:
Overview of new big features:
Support for OracleForms applications
Executing UFT/QTP Scripts
Spira managed floating licenses
Demonstration of Spira Dashboard and RapiseLauncher enhancements:
Productivity improvements
Set input parameters via a test set attachment
Parallel execution of Test Cases in RapiseLauncher
Option to automatically rerun a test set if failed
Selected new features:
Tools > Npm Console to install node modules for a test framework
More SoftAssert statements
If you missed the webinar, we have a full recap below.
Read MoreOctober 28th, 2021
Recently we were interviewed by TestBash for its 30 Days Of Testing Tools event on Oct 28, 2021. Below you will find the answers to many thoughtful questions about how we build, test, and sell our agile program management platform - SpiraPlan. I hope you will find the answers informative.
Read MoreOctober 27th, 2021
Sometimes customers would like to have a quick and easy way of getting notified when artifacts in Spira change in such a way that they meet specific exception criteria. For example, they would like to be notified when test cases fail or a test set is overdue. Rather than bombarding users with yet more emails, Spira has a handy feature to bring these notifications right to you via. RSS.
Read MoreOctober 25th, 2021
Inflectra was excited to sponsor The QA Financial Forum New York 2021 - an in-person conference that took place on Oct 19, 2021, in beautiful New York City. The event was packed with talks on enterprise software quality, app security and DevSecOps, continuous integration, and so much more at the Harvard Club. Learn more about what is new in the worlds of Quality Assurance, Risk Management, and Financial Services....
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