Archive for March 2021

The DevOps Dance - Continuous Testing: Shift Left & Shift Right, Get it Right!

March 30th, 2021

One of the criticisms of the term DevOps is that on the surface, it doesn’t contain a reference to testing or quality. Continuous Testing is the answer to this criticism, outlining how testing in a DevOps toolchain happens in fact continuously from the Plan stage all the way through to Release and Monitoring. In our new whitepaper, we explain the principles of Continuous Testing and delve into the ideas of Shift-Left and Shift-Right testing that are key parts of the approach.

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Inflectra's SpiraTest Is A Tool of Choice To Run Israeli Testing Competition 2021

March 25th, 2021

Inflectra is excited to support the Israeli Software Testing Cup (ISTC)- the ultimate challenge for QA testing professionals - for the fifth year in a row!

Sponsors in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020, we’re happy to continue to support the Israeli testing community through this competition. Inflectra is once again making its award-winning test management solution - SpiraTest available to the organizers, judges, and teams for this year’s competition.

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Recap: New Rapise v6.7 Functionality

March 24th, 2021

We are glad to present the recap of our recent product-centered webinar about the new functionality and features of Rapise 6.7 - Inflectra's scriptless test automation platform for testing web, desktop, and mobile apps. Alexey Grinevich, Inflectra's senior automation engineer presented the webinar, in which he covered the following enhancements: 

  • New RapiseLauncher Features (Test Set attachments, CLI enhancements, RDP disconnect)
  • New Rapise Visual Language (RVL) Toolbox Features
  • Improved support for NodeJS as JavaScript execution engine in Rapise
  • Improved Azure DevOps integration (RapiseLauncher & Rapise Test Adapter Task)
  • Improved Rest API Testing in Rapise v6.7.

If you missed the event, here are the recording and presentation slides. Enjoy!

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The Perils of Agile Estimation (Part 1)

March 23rd, 2021

Estimation has always been an inflection point in the software engineering world. Many developers admit that one of the hardest parts of their job is not about naming things or invalidating caches (as the old saying goes) but giving estimates. Certainly, for many experienced software engineers, estimates have always been the most frequent area of friction between software developers and managers. Both sides seem to have valid arguments: managers want to know how long things will take, as they need to manage budgets and customer expectations. Developers, on the other hand, know that most software tasks cannot be estimated accurately enough to satisfy the manager's needs. This friction has been so intense that it's given rise to the #NoEstimates movement and many flame wars on social media. But is the choice truly between one of these two extreme positions, or can a happy medium be found that satisfies both sides?

This series of articles attempts to explore and answer this question.

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Recap: QA Solutions for the Financial Sector: Insurance, Banking and Capital Markets

March 18th, 2021

On March 17, we hosted a webinar on QA Solutions for the Financial Sector: Insurance, Banking, and Capital Markets with Adam Sandman and Amol Khare. If you missed the webinar, here is the full recap!

The following topics were covered during the webinar:

  • JIRA Server Discontinued: Its impact on software demand in the Financial sector 

  • Risks, compliance, and tools in the Financial Sector

  • QA And Enterprise Management Solutions for the Financial Sector: SpiraPlan on-premise, its differentiators, and long-term deployment options.

The webinar recording and presentation are also enclosed below👇

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Recap: Agility in Healthcare – Insights from Clinical and Surgical Settings

March 9th, 2021

On March 4, we hosted a webinar on Agility in Healthcare Services: Clinical and Surgical Settings with Sriram Rajagopalan, Ph.D. We had a few technical difficulties during the event, which we overcame by re-recording the event. In this recording, our esteemed speaker covers the following topics: 

  • Stages of agility in the healthcare setting
  • Responsibilities of Healthcare professionals toward outcome management 
  • Risk Management and Process Guidance in Clinical and Surgical Settings
  • Applying agile thinking in the Healthcare setting. 

The webinar presentation, blog, and recording are enclosed here ðŸ‘‡

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