Updated Jira Migration Tool Now Available for Jira Server, DataCenter and Cloud

22-May-2024 by Inflectra Product News

With the final sunsetting of Jira Server in February 2024, customers that need a self-hosted, private cloud, or on-premise application lifecycle management tool are actively looking for alternatives to Jira. With Jira DataCenter only being adopted by a small subset of customers, many companies and organizations are still stuck on an obsolete, and non-supported version of Jira. By March 2024, at least 36% of all Atlassian customers were still on Jira/Confluence Server. Therefore we at Inflectra have been working hard to further improve our migration tools to make the move from Jira to Spira easier than ever.

Easy to Use Migration Tool

Our out of the box migration tool for Jira allows you to simply connect to your instance of Jira (either Cloud, Server or DataCenter) and choose which artifacts you want to migrate:

From there you can connect it to your instance of Spira (SpiraTest, SpiraTeam, or SpiraPlan) and decide whether you want to use an existing product template to create a new one 'on the fly':

The final step is to then map the various Jira artifacts to the ones in Spira. After that is done, you can click the button to start the migration:

Once the import is done, all of your Jira project data is seamlessly migrated over to Spira.

Migration Tool Enhancements

In the most recent update to this migration tool we have added the following enhancements

Migration of Jira Requirements Backlog Hierarchy

The previous version of the Jira migration tool would import of all the Jira issues that map to requirement types as a simple flat list in Spira. However Spira has a powerful requirements management system that allows you to create hierarchical product backlogs, so we have enhanced the migration tool to convert Jira issue dependent associations between requirements into the parent....child hierarchy within Spira:

This makes it easy to get started with Spira, taking your Jira backlog and planning the Epics, Features and Stories without any manual work to connect them:

Migration of Jira Associations

For those user stories, features and epics in Jira that are connected to each other with non-depedent relationships, the updated migration tool will import them as Associations within Spira:

This new Association migration functionality will handle requirement-incident associations as well as incident-incident and requirement-requirement associations.

Migration of Jira Labels

With the introduction of Spira 7.13 we completed adding support for meta tags for all artifact types. Consequently the migration tool can now import Jira labels as meta tags for all Spira artifacts:

This is in addition to the existing handling of Jira custom fields.

Handling of Additional Jira Custom Field Types

This latest version of the Jira migration tool supports additional Jira custom field types, including the following standard and third-party field types:


How Do I Get The Latest Jira Migration Tool?

You can download the latest version of the Jira migration tool from our website:

The documentation is available on SpiraDocs. If you have questions, please Contact Us.