Posts Tagged 'Marketing'

Get $50 for Reviewing SpiraPlan on

November 9, 2022

Let me be blunt - Inflectra needs your help in collecting the reviews of our flagship platform -  SpiraPlan! Like others, we use your reviews as social proof and to get awards and recognition like these SpiraTest badges👇🏽:


Review SpiraPlan now! (We promise the whole thing is quick and painless - it only takes 10 minutes!)

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Inflectra's SpiraTeam Is Having A Moment

July 13, 2020

Inflectra's Application Lifecycle Management platform - SpiraTeam is finally coming to its own! 

SpiraTeam is an integrated solution that helps teams manage requirements, tests, plans, tasks, bugs, and issues in one environment, with end-to-end traceability baked in. The product first hit the proverbial shelves in 2011; it had a few make-overs along the way, and as of July 2020, it is thriving in its version 6.6. 

In our humble opinion, SpiraTeam has been an excellent ALM platform for a while, but it took the world a bit to catch up. And now that it has, it can not get enough of SpiraTeam!

Here is a sampling of the recent SpiraTeam accolades from across the internet: 


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Onboarding is a Team Sport - How We Changed Evaluations

May 21, 2019

One of the changes we have made in the latest version of Spira is to increase the trial evaluation accounts to support up to 20 concurrent users. Previously our trial cloud instances were limited to only three concurrent users. Find out why we decided to make the change.

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SpiraTest, logiciel recommandé sur, média spécialiste des logiciels SaaS

February 6, 2019

Média 100 % dédié aux logiciels B2B, appvizer guide les décisionnaires d’entreprise et les responsables de service dans leurs choix de solutions logicielles.
Il les informe au quotidien à travers des comparatifs et des articles sur les nouvelles tendances numériques, pour les aider à gagner en productivité et en agilité.

La gestion des tests logiciels fait partie des pratiques IT qui demandent des outils perfectionnés et professionnels.

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Start Your Tech Side Hustle with Inflectra

February 17, 2017

If you are looking for a tech side hustle, you’ve come to the right place. And, get this: we’ve done the company research for you. Read about what we need and decide if you want to make some cash, while doing something you like.

What we are looking for: in the short run, we are interested in high quality, sharable content focused on software development and testing, automated testing, DevOps, ALM, agile software development, continuous delivery and so on. Our longer-term goal is to build up a corps of tech evangelists and influencers who love our products and are available for speaking engagements, trainings, software-related curriculum development, etc.

What we are offering: short-term per blog compensation, with long-term opportunities such as web and event sponsorship and tech evangelist position with Inflectra.

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Boards for when you are bored!

January 13, 2017

As we wrote earlier in the month, we're going to be engaging with our users and partners more actively through social media. In addition to our existing channels (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, G+, YouTube), we have just launched our new Pinterest account.

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Getting Social with Inflectra?

January 6, 2017

One of our new year's resolutions for 2017 was being more engaged with our global community of developers, testers, managers, agilsts, evangelists and partners. As part of this we are going to be improving our use of social media channels as well as email and our website. This will bring you more up to date information on what we're doing as well as give you a voice in helping shape our plans for the future.

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Short, Sweet, and Simple!

January 2, 2017

We set ourselves a challenge for the end of 2016: redefine our company tagline to better reflect who we are and what we do.

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KronoDesk has made the Top 25 in GetRank!

April 8, 2015

GetApp has just released its 2015 Q1 Customer Service ranking, GetRank, and KronoDesk has made the top 25.

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New Inflectra Website Coming this Weekend

February 27, 2015

Well, we've heard the feedback and this weekend we shall be launching an updated Inflectra website with a new fresh modern look that is easier to use, works across all devices and sets the foundation for other changes coming later this year.  Read More