Articles Tagged 'reporting'

How to extract large amount of artifacts from Spira using Excel or OData

Import/export tools (including Custom reports ) are limited on row handling, due to performance issues it may cause. To get more than 10000 rows at the time, you will need to do it in batches or filter the report in some logical way.
This article explains how to override that limitation with minimum manual efforts.

Creating a custom report to display test step execution counts

The build in reports in SpiraTest / SpiraTeam are primarily geared to display the # passes, # fails, etc. from the perspective of test cases. It assumes that even a single fail / block / caution of any of the steps constitutes a failure of the entire test case. However some of our customers were looking for ways to display the execution information at the test step level. This articles describes how to create a simple custom report to display this.

Create a Monthly Trend Report of Requirements by Aging Status (<30, <60, <90, >90 Days)

Often, the project stakeholders want to assess the effectiveness of the team’s development processes to prioritize tasks and allocate resources more efficiently. This request requires a time series analysis of time taken to get things addressed in the development state. Such a request looks at breaking the time taken (t) into various cohorts, such as under 30 days (t<30), falling between 30 and 60 days (30 < t < 60), falling between 60 and 90 (60 < t < 90), and more than 90 (t>90). This article addresses these requests.

Database Changes Between Spira v4.2 and v5.0

As part of the v5.0 update to SpiraTest, SpiraPlan and SpiraTeam, we made major changes to the database structure to improve performance and usability as well as lay the foundation for v5.1, v5.2 and v5.3 due out later this year. Customers using custom reports that relied on the old v4.2 database structure will need to modify their custom reports.

This article is obsolete.
This only applies to upgrading to v5.0 which was released in 2016.

List of reportable entities in SpiraTeam 4.0

The new release of SpiraTest, SpiraPlan and SpiraTeam 4.0 includes the ability to write custom reports against various reportable entities. This articles provides a list of the available entities.

This article is now obsolete.
Currently Spira has a number of views available that helps to create powerful custom reports using ESQL queries. Each available table is listed with all of their exact field names. In our documentation you can find a full list of available custom report tables.

Sample Release Notes Custom Report

Customers sometimes ask us for a simple Release Notes report that can be used to display the list of new features and enhancements / fixed bugs in a specific release. We use a report like that ourselves to generate the Release Notes for our products (Rapise, SpiraTest, SpiraTeam, etc.). This article describes how you can create a similar report yourself

Accessing the SpiraTeam Graph Data Grid as CSV

When you display a graph in the SpiraTeam reporting page, you can download a graph as a CSV file. Some customers have asked about ways to get the data making a REST call. This article explains the components of the API.

Creating a Report of Test Sets, Test Cases and Test Steps in Hierarchical Order

Sometimes you want to get a report of all the test sets with their included test cases along with their test steps with the tests organized by the order in which they are displayed in SpiraTest. The custom reporting system in Spira allows you to create a custom report of all the test cases (by test set) and test steps sorted by test case order. This articles describes the process for creating such a report.

(There are different versions of the ESQL query to use based on the version of Spira that you are using)

Creating a report to display test cases with execution counts in Spira v4.2

This articles describes the steps to create a custom report that displays a table of test cases with the following fields:

  • Test Case ID
  • Test Case Name
  • Last Execution Date
  • Last Execution Status
  • Number of Test Runs
Creating a Custom Spira Report for Comparing Test Results

A customer asked us the following question:  "I run an automated test suite consisting of the same 250 tests every night.
I'd like to be able to run a report in the morning that shows me the tests that failed, but had passed the previous night.
How can I accomplish this using the reporting mechanism ??"

Writing Custom Entity SQL Reports in Spira

Our Spira platform (SpiraPlan, SpiraTest, SpiraTeam) has powerful custom reporting capabilities that let you build custom reports using the Microsoft Entity SQL language. This article provides some pointers on writing such reports.

List of reportable entities in Spira 4.1-5.4

Spira 4.1 onwards includes the ability to write custom reports against various reportable entities.
This article provides a list of reportable entities that were available in Spira version 4.1 through to 5.4

Exporting all incidents out of the system into Excel

Several users have asked - if it is possible to extract all incidents logged in a SpiraTest server no matter what the project is.
Using the built-in Incident reports or Excel Add-In, you have to extract incidents for each project and then move into one spreadsheet however they wanted to know if it was possible to do this as one extract from within the tool.

Customizing the Rapise Reports

By default, the reports displayed within Rapise report back each test activity and assert statement as a line in the report with all of the activities and events being displayed in a single flat list regardless of whether they happen inside the main Test() function or a sub-function. This articles explains how you can extend the reporting.

Сreate a report to filter Parent Requirements only based on a Custom Field

From the UI the Parent requirement won't be retrieved if none of its children match the filter criteria.
This article shows you how to create a custom report that retrieves parent requirements that meet the filter criteria, even if none of their children meet it.
For example, if you need to create a custom report for requirements filtered by a custom property - here are the detailed instructions how to achieve that.

Summary report of all products with information about their programs

Sometimes you need to get a report of all the Programs and Products available in your Spira instance.
This article explains how to do that.

Using a Custom Report to Find Test Cases Not in a Test Set

We had a customer ask us how they could find all the test cases that are NOT part of a specific test set. Now there is unfortunately not a way to do it directly in the Spira UI. However that is where the handy custom reporting functionality comes in!

Using ODATA to Create SpiraPlan Reports using Tableau and/or PowerBI

When using the SpiraPlan ODATA API to create custom reports in popular reporting platforms such as PowerBI and/or Tableau, customers have had some common questions. In this article we answer some of the most frequent ones.

Creating a Velocity Comparison Chart for Agile or Scrum Product Delivery

A customer once asked how to create a velocity comparison chart for their Scrum Team to measure planned versus actual velocity across the releases. This article addresses how this chart can be created.

Displaying Custom Properties at the Test Step Level

Spira allows custom property at the test step level. This functionality allows testers additional flexibility. When custom reports are designed, some customers prefer to show the custom property at the test step level. This article discusses how to structure the ESQL query to accommodate this need. 

Creating a Simplifed Custom Requirements Report

We recently needed to get a report of a set of requirements and include the associated tasks and enhancements/bugs related to the new requirements so that we could have a virtual design session. We took the standard Requirements Detailed Report and make some changes. This article provides that report in case you ever need something similar

What is the purpose of the Tester.EndTest() Function?

The Tester.EndTest() function in Rapise is described as: Marks end of a currently executed test. Calculates test results and performs finalization of test execution. We have found that some of our customers have been confused as what the purpose of this function is.

Creating a Report of Test Cases and Test Runs in Hierarhical Order

Sometimes you want to get a report of all the tests executed along with their test cases with the tests organized by the order in which they are displayed in SpiraTest. The custom reporting system in Spira allows you to create a custom report of all the test runs and test run steps sorted by test case order. This articles describes the process for creating such a report.

Using the new Spira Reports API

In version 6.2.1 of SpiraPlan, SpiraTeam and SpiraTest we have added a new reporting API that lets you access the reporting capabilities of Spira programatically.

Troubleshooting the "Report ID" Does Not Exist Error in Spira

Sometimes when you try and run certain reports you may get an strange error message "The passed in report ID or report format ID does not exist". This message is unfortunately a red herring, and there is a different reason for this error.

Creating a Requirements Traceability Support Report

A customer asked us if it was possible to create a version of the requirements traceability report that would not display each of the individual mapped test cases, but instead would give summary counts by priority.

Customizing the Requirements Traceability Report in Spira

We often get enquiries from customers looking to customize some of the reports in Spira. Although our support does not generally extend to writing such reports for customers (we have consultants and partners who would be happy to do it as a service), in this article we explain a common situation that we get asked about.

SpiraTeam Simplified Test Execution Report

We had a potential customer that was looking to generate simplified test result reports from SpiraTeam that had more details for each of the executed test steps, with full size screenshots displayed, rather than the small table cells that are in the small reports. This article contains an example of such a report.

Modifying the underlying MS-Word Templates in Spira 4.1+
The web-based custom reporting system in Spira v4.1 (or later) is designed to let you easily change the layout and contents of the various reports (and to create your own reports). It works in a format-agnostic manner, so that the same templates and layouts can be used regardless of whether the final report will be in PDF, HTML, Excel or MS-Word format. However sometimes there is a need to modify the specific template used to generate a specific format (e.g. MS-Word). This article describes the process.