Currently, for Custom reports the limit is set to 10,000 rows per query to ensure the system does not time out and there is no way to override that limitation at the moment.
For Excel Import/Export tool some limitation applies as well - the number of rows is limited to 2000 rows per page.
Our Excel365 Importer tool has a pagination feature where you can specify the pages to retrieve (2000 at a time). Excel365 Importer tool supported by all Spira versions, so you can now get 999 pages (2000 each) with data instead of the initial 10000 row limitation.
If you are using SpiraPlan 6.9+ you can use ODATA for custom reporting and ODATA supports paging, too.
You can only get a maximum of 10,000 rows per single request as well, but here you can use the $top and $skip tokens in the URL to get the next page(s) of data.
Use URL syntax as https://host/api/odata/table-name{?$top/?$skip}=number
These query options can be used alone or together, depending on which records you want in your response:
- the $top query option specifies the number of records to include in your results, and
- the $skip query option specifies the number to omit

There are other tokens that can be used in conjunction with $top/$skip to precisely specify the query options:
$expand, $filter, $format, $select, etc. To see the full list of available tokens please check here: Microsoft Learn - Evaluating System Query Options
In case using two parameters then the URL should be similar to:
Use & (ampersand) character as logical AND operator to apply more than one operation in a single line.