Spira v6.9 Released: OData, Requirements Management, Baselining and Custom Property Enhancements

10-May-2021 by Adam Sandman Product News

We are pleased to announce the release of the latest version of our award winning test management SpiraTest system, application lifecycle management SpiraTeam platform, and enterprise agile planning platform - SpiraPlan. The new version (6.9) provides a completely revamped requirements document view, with support for inline editing and customizable display, a new OData API for allowing reporting using tools such as PowerBI, and major custom property enhancements, with the ability to have up to 99 custom fields per product template, and configurable display positions.

Improved Requirement Document View

It is widely agreed in the software industry that one of the keys to delivering high-quality products is to get the requirements "right." However, there is far less consensus on what "right" actually means and even less consensus on the best way to get there. So having powerful requirements management and requirements traceability is vitally important to the software development and testing process. In our latest version of SpiraTeam and SpiraPlan, we have improved the new requirements document view to make it more useful for business analysts (BAs) and other team members. Learn More...

Baselining Enhancements

We have added new pages in SpiraTeam and SpiraPlan to display the list of artifacts changed between two baseline snapshots as well as the specific changes made to the artifact. The change history pages have been enhanced to display association changes and positional changes as well as field attribute changes.

Custom Reporting Just Got Easier via OData API

First, we've added lots more reporting views to help build out even more queries (available in all editions of Spira). Next, SpiraPlan customers can use 3rd party tools like spreadsheets and database reporting packages to query and report against all custom report tables in the application via the ODATA standard (read our in-depth tutorial). This takes custom reports to a whole new level of integration and ease of use. Learn More....

Custom Property Improvements

Custom properties have been turned up to 100 (minus 1). You can now have 99 custom properties for each artifact in a template. In addition, you can now order your custom properties how you like with configurable field positions, and finally you can now add a tooltip description for users to read on details pages.

Release Notification Support

Finally, a much requested feature that we have included is the ability to have email notifications sent when releases, sprints and phases are changed. You can define different notification events and email templates for the different kinds of change. For example, when someone changes the due date of a Release you can now have all the project managers notified.

Release Notes

For the full list of features, bug fixes, and enhancements, please check out the v6.9 release notes.