A customer in a webinar recently questioned how to get a count of the test cases in a test set that is not marked as completed. This KB article answers this request.
A customer asked us if it is possible to have the test cases in an existing test set added to a new release without having to add them one by one? The answer is yes. Learn how...
A customer asked us if it is possible to have the test cases in a release added to a test set before the test set is run without having to add them one by one?
One of our customers recently asked about creating a report that brought the test set, test case, and test step in a specific format to help them with their test planning. This KB article explains how this can be done.
Customers often have questions about the best way to use test sets in SpiraTest, SpiraTeam and/or SpiraPlan. In this article we cover some of the most common ways that test sets are used in projects.
Sometimes customers will contact us regarding questions as to why the execution status indicator of their test sets is not being updated (i.e. everything still looks as not run) even after running some of the test cases. This article explains why this might be the case and provides solutions.
Sometimes you want to test a process which requires a handoff between departments and would involve different testers to complete the full range of functionality. This article describes how to set that up, using a test set.
We had a customer ask us how they could find all the test cases that are NOT part of a specific test set. Now there is unfortunately not a way to do it directly in the Spira UI. However that is where the handy custom reporting functionality comes in!
We had a customer looking for a consolidated report of the test sets and their test cases, grouped by release and test set folder. The report needed to have the individual test case instances in the test set along with the associated test runs.
This guide describes how you manage groups of Rapise tests together in situations where you are not using SpiraTest test sets.
When you run the Test Set Summary Report and filter by a specific test set or a very narrow filter, you will often see the matching test sets and all of the folders in the product. This article explains how you can modify the report to exclude the folders from the output.
We had a customer that was looking for a more automated way to remove test cases from a test set. The good news is that our REST API makes this easy.
This article explains what to do if you are attempting to execute a test set and get this error message: "There are no test runs in this pending set to be resumed."
One of the limitations in SpiraTest and SpiraTeam v4.x was that for performance reasons we could not handle test sets with very large numbers of test cases and that the system was not able to display the counts of the test cases and the execution status for test set folders.