Articles Tagged 'ie'

Quality Metrics: Regression Test Efficiency

The Cost of Quality (CoQ) is about both product quality and process quality. As part of these considerations, quality assurance can focus on additional patterns. In this article, we will discuss how to graphically show the regression test efficiency.

Demonstrate the parent-child relationship indentation in a Custom Report

The Spira User Interface allows the indenting of requirements to accommodate the hierarchical thought process people envision in structuring the requirements. When these requirements are documented in a report format, the indentation visible in the user interface is missed. Some customers would prefer to see this indentation replicated in the report. This article addresses this requirement.

List of Possible Filterable Field Names in Spira when Using API

When you use our SOAP or REST web service APIs you will often times want to retrieve a filtered list of data. This is done by using the RemoteFilter that lets you query the list of requirements, test cases, tasks, incidents, etc. and pass in the field to be filtered. This article includes the list of standard fields that you can use in the RemoteFilter.

Performance issues with IE9 running apps under ASP.NET 4.5

If you face performance issues with Spira or KronoDesk when the users use Internet Explorer 9.0, there is a known issue in ASP.NET 4.5 that can cause the client to disconnect and all subsequent AJAX calls do not get processed. This article describes the symptoms and the solution.

This article is now obsolete.
Internet Explorer 9 is no longer supported by Spira or KronoDesk.

List of reportable entities in SpiraTeam 4.0

The new release of SpiraTest, SpiraPlan and SpiraTeam 4.0 includes the ability to write custom reports against various reportable entities. This articles provides a list of the available entities.

This article is now obsolete.
Currently Spira has a number of views available that helps to create powerful custom reports using ESQL queries. Each available table is listed with all of their exact field names. In our documentation you can find a full list of available custom report tables.

Incident Custom Properties are Disabled

In SpiraTest, when you create a new custom property in the incidents section, they are disabled by default. Unlike other parts of the system, the incident tracker has a customizable workflow. This article describes the steps necessary to enable the new custom properties in the workflow (which will make the custom property enabled).

This article is now obsolete.
Custom Properties are now always active and do not require separate activation.

Error Saving Item Due to Old Custom Property Records in Spira 5.x

If you have recently upgraded to Spira v5.x from an earlier version and get an error message saving artifacts that mentions 'XPKTST_ARTIFACT_CUSTOM_PROPERTY' then you may have some old artifact custom property records that are blocking the new item saving

How to Control Upgrades of Cloud Spira in Life Sciences

Many of our customers work in the life sciences and healthcare industries. They want to use cloud hosted versions of SpiraTest, SpiraTeam, or SpiraPlan, but they need to be able to control the updates and also be able to have a staging and production environment. This article explains the options we provide

Receiving database constraint error when trying to execute a test case or test set

If you are trying to run a test case or test set and you receive the following error:

   Database constraint violation occurred [APPLICATION.Business.EntityConstraintViolationException]
   An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. [System.Data.UpdateException]
   Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'XPKTST_ARTIFACT_CUSTOM_PROPERTY'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.TST_ARTIFACT_CUSTOM_PROPERTY'.
The statement has been terminated. [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException]

Then this article provides the solution for you.

Using the Spira v5.x Custom Reporting with Custom Properties

The custom reporting functionality in SpiraTest, SpiraPlan and SpiraTeam v5.4 (or later) includes the ability to write complex reports, joining various tables, using SQL aggregation (COUNT, SUM, etc.) functions and other advanced reporting features. A common needs is to display a list of artifacts (requirements, test cases, etc.) and join against the custom property definitions so that you get the custom fields displayed with the names of the value not just the IDs. This articles explains how to do this.

Best Practices When Using SpiraTeam for V-Model Projects

SpiraTeam has been designed to work with a variety of different software development methodologies, including several different flavors of agile, waterfall and hybrid. This articles describes one of the more popular waterfall methods called the V-Model and gives best practices for how to use SpiraTeam on such projects.

Spira Icons Don't Appear When Running on Internet Explorer 11.0 in v5.x

A couple of our customers have run into a situation where the new font-based glyph icons that we're using in Spira 5.0 don't display. This is usually due to a configuration issue within IE itself, this article provides the recommended solution.

Running Queries Using SQL Server Management Studio

During the course of investigating a technical support issue for SpiraTest, SpiraPlan, SpiraTeam or KronoDesk , the need may arise to run a query against your Microsoft SQL database. To do so, you will use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. If you did not install this when you installed SQL, you can install it from the original source.

List of reportable entities in Spira 4.1-5.4

Spira 4.1 onwards includes the ability to write custom reports against various reportable entities.
This article provides a list of reportable entities that were available in Spira version 4.1 through to 5.4

Using the Spira v4.x Custom Reporting with Custom Properties

The custom reporting functionality in SpiraTest, SpiraPlan and SpiraTeam v4.1 (or later) includes the ability to write complex reports, joining various tables, using SQL aggregation (COUNT, SUM, etc.) functions and other advanced reporting features. A common needs is to display a list of artifacts (requirements, test cases, etc.) and join against the custom property definitions so that you get the custom fields displayed with the names of the value not just the IDs. This articles explains how to do this.

How to ensure that a web element is visible before interacting with it?

Sometimes an element on a web page may be invisible because it is out of a viewport.  Real user scrolls a page vertically and horizontally to reach such an element. How to achieve same behavior with Rapise?

How to Check if Rapise Can Test My Delphi Application

In order for Rapise to be able to test a thick-client desktop application written using Delphi, it needs to support Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA), as described in this article -

This article demonstrates how to check your application to see if it supports MSAA.

Testing Popup Windows using Internet Explorer

When you are testing a web application that has popup windows (where the popup is a whole new browser window) you will need to make a slight change to the test script to enable it to playback successfully in Internet Explorer (no change is needed for Chrome or Firefox).

Web Object Not Found in IE when Object has 0px Size

We had a customer with a problem related to having <div> elements with complex display styles applied inside an HTML anchor tag <a>. The anchor tag was reporting back as having zero size (0px) in IE, so when Rapise tried to locate it to click on it, the browser was not able to find it.

Rapise - Cannot Find AllLibraries.json file during Recording/Playback

When recording or playing back a test script on a new PC you may get an error message that Rapise cannot find the path to "AllLibraries.json".This article provides instructions on how to fix the issue.

Desktop Application Testing - Choosing the Right Library

Suppose we have a situation that a thick-client (desktop) application under test (AUT) is based on a technology that is too old or not completely supported by Rapise. Rapise has a number of libraries for different types of apps. Usually Rapise finds the correct libraries using its auto-detection, but sometimes an application is unusual and the auto-detection fails.

Calling Rapise DoX functions without reporting result

When you use a DoX command in Rapise to perform a specific command (e.g. DoDOMChildrenCount() to get a number of object's DOM children), in the report an extra step -- assert -- is created during test execution. Sometimes you want to be able to call a function 'quietly' without it affecting the report.

Certain Hyperlinks won't click during playback with Internet Explorer (IE)

Sometimes when you record a test script using IE and then play it back, some of the clicks on hyperlinks will not playback correctly. Rapise will list them as Passed, but the click won't actually be performed.

The Recorder asks for a Library. Which should I choose?

In most cases Auto is the best choice. Manual selection of libraries may be needed in more advanced scenarios and is intended for experienced users.                

Selecting Browser for Test

This article describes how to playback a test in a different browser from the one it was recorded in.

How to successfully include and use common functions and objects

It is often useful to have a common set of code libraries and objects that can be reused amongst multiple tests. With Rapise this can be done by creating a common test and then including it into the other actual tests. This article describes the process.

This article is obsolete. To get information on how to use common  functions and objects across test cases please refer to Frameworks (recommended, requires Rapise 8.0+) or Legacy Frameworks (requires Rapise 7.0+) topics.

Values passed from RapiseLauncher to Rapise

When a test is executed by RapiseLauncher it may access key properties of the test run,  custom test set properties and test case parameters.

Requires Rapise

Agile FAQs when Using SpiraTeam and SpiraPlan

When our implementation partners work with different customers to implement Spira in their organizations, often times they have questions about the tool, that are in reality more process/methodology questions. We discuss some of the most common ones in this article.

How to get the names of Custom List values instead of their IDs

In this article we will show how to get an artifact's and product's multi-select custom property values. Report views for artifacts and products contain all custom fields, but for those custom fields that use custom lists, only the ID of the custom list value(s) are shown. Here is what to do if you want to find the text that matches those IDs.

Executing SQL Database Queries from Rapise

Sometimes when you are running Rapise tests you need to run direct database queries to prepare the data in the test application, or you need to make queries against the database to verify that some user interactions left the data in a specific state.

The sample script below illustrates how you can call database queries directly from the Rapise scripting editor:

What's Migrated from HP ALM into SpiraTeam

We have a migration tool that makes it easy to move from HP ALM (aka Quality Center) to SpiraTeam. This article provides some more information on exactly what is migrated in each module.

Inflectra Cloud Services Fair Use Policy

For Inflectra cloud services (cloud hosted SpiraTest, SpiraTeam, SpiraPlan, and KronoDesk), Inflectra may limit the resources individuals can consume and the amount of requests they can make to certain commands. This helps ensure all customers have a consistent experience all of the time.

Is SpiraPlan IEC 62304 Compliant?

ISO 13485 Medical devices -- Quality management systems -- Requirements for regulatory purposes is an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard published for the first time in 1996; it represents the requirements for a comprehensive quality management system for the design and manufacture of medical devices.

Inflectra Support Plans and Policies

Outstanding support is the foundation of our company, and we want your experience with our products to be exceptional from the start. We dedicate more than half our technical resources to support, and we make support a priority over all other work.

To ensure your satisfaction, we provide one year of product support FREE with every on-premise software purchase and unlimited support with every cloud subscription, which guarantees you access to our knowledge base, helpdesk and phone support.

Executing JavaScript commands against Web Browser

Sometimes you want to be able to open a browser window and execute JavaScript commands directly against the DOM objects rather than using the Rapise learned objects. This article explains the recommended way of doing this.

Sometimes You See "Multiple controls with the same ID" Error after Migrating Projects

You can use the Spira Project Backup & Migration Tool to move projects between one instance of SpiraTest and another pretty easily. However there is a known issue that can sometimes occur if you have deleted custom properties.

Troubleshooting the "Report ID" Does Not Exist Error in Spira

Sometimes when you try and run certain reports you may get an strange error message "The passed in report ID or report format ID does not exist". This message is unfortunately a red herring, and there is a different reason for this error.

How to automate testing of Unified Service Desk for Microsoft Dynamics 365

Unified Service Desk (USD) is a hybrid application. It is a windows desktop application with embedded browser components. Follow this guide to setup a test automation framework for USD.

How to fix IE 11 recording/playback on Windows 64-bit


  1. When new recording is started Rapise always opens new IE window
  2. Spy does not show DOM tree
  3. During playback no object is found
Displaying the Value of a List Custom Property in Spira Custom Reports

In the standard reports that come with SpiraTeam, we have the 'Detailed' reports that are designed to include a primary artifact (e.g. requirements) and then include tables that display lists of related items (e.g. Tasks, Incidents, etc.). By default, we only show some of the fields in these tables. This article explains how to display the value of specific custom fields in the tables when you customize the standard reports.

Unusual case where Rapise Cannot Click on Hyperlinks in IE
We have found an occasional situation where Rapise is not able to click on hyperlinks (<A> tags) when you playback a test on IE. The same test works fine on other computers and on other browsers on the same computer.
Some of my users are receiving 'Invalid Viewstate' errors. How do I resolve this?
Ask the user to clear out their browser's cache of cookies and stored internet pages/content. After they do this and then close and reopen their browser, the issue should be resolved.
After installing Windows Update KB3025390 Rapise No Longer Connects to IE
An old (December 9th, 2014) security update for Microsoft Windows and Internet Explorer (KB3025390)  broke the support in IE for 'out-of-process' code execution. This effectively prevented an automated testing application such as Rapise from automating Internet Explorer (IE) applications. This was subsequently fixed by Microsoft on February 10th, 2015 with the KB 3021952 update.
Recording Infragistics Applications with Rapise Throws Error

If you try and record a test script in Rapise using just the 'Infragistics' library you will get the following error message:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Inflectra\Rapise\Engine\Recorder.js(285, 3) Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'ManagedObjectSelectableBehavior_OnMouseEvent' is undefined