Articles Tagged 'chrome'

How to specify additional arguments to Chrome embedded into Rapise

Rapise hosts embedded Chrome controls to display Start Page and Spira Dashboard. In rare cases it is necessary to pass additional arguments to the browser. For example proxy settings. Requires Rapise

How to use two different browser instances in one test

Sometimes, an automation scenario may require performing steps in two separate browser sessions that don't share cookies and cache. In this article, we'll describe how to manage multiple browsers within the same test script and switch between them.

Chrome for Testing

This is the mirror of

Using links from this JSON file you may download specific versions of Chrome that do not auto-update.

Folder List in Chrome 76 corrupted, unclickable - FIXED IN CHROME 77

With a recent update to Google Chrome (v76), Chrome had the CSS engine was modified which would make the sidebar navigation folder tree to become unusable. This issue was resolved by Google with the release of Chrome 77

This article is now obsolete.

Spaces are being removed from Rich Text Editors in Chrome 54

When using rich text editors in SpiraTest, SpiraPlan, SpiraTeam or KronoDesk with Google Chrome 54, users are seeing spaces not being accepted.

This article is now obsolete.
All issues with rich text editors have been resolved.

Trouble with drag and drop when using Google Chrome browser

When attempting to drag and drop items to rearrange list pages, it does not work.

This article is obsolete.
Google Chrome and other browsers are fully compatible with Spira functionality.
Testing Multiple Web Browser Tabs at Once in Chrome

Sometimes you have a web test where you need to test the contents of two browser tabs at the same time in Google Chrome. For example you may have an application which opens up a second browser tab and you want to test that changes in the second tab show up correctly in the first tab. This article describes how to perform this kind of testing.

When recording with Chrome, Rapise does not record actions within frames
When creating web tests with Chrome, objects within cross-frames are not recognized by the Rapise Web Spy and recorder. This article gives a solution.
Selecting Browser for Test

This article describes how to playback a test in a different browser from the one it was recorded in.

Choosing the Web Browser in Rapise from SpiraTest / SpiraTeam

When writing a web test in Rapise you will often want to run the same test script in all three web browsers (IE, Firefox and Chrome). You will want to be able to choose the Test Script from within Rapise when debugging the test and then from a Test Set in SpiraTest when you move the test into production. This article explains the process.

This article is obsolete. For modern way of running Rapise tests in multiple browsers please refer to Rapise 8.0: how to run test cases on different browsers.

How to use specific version of Chromedriver with Appium

In Mobile Spy of Rapise when switching from NATIVE_APP to WEBVIEW context you may see an error message:

Chrome version must be >= 55.0.2883.0

From this article you will learn how to fix this.

How to disable "Chrome is being controlled by automated test software" message

When you run a test with Selenium - Chrome profile the browser is launched with a warning message below the address bar. It can be disabled.

How to set permanent user profile for Selenium - Chrome/Edge profile

When you are recording/running a test via Selenium browser profiles in Rapise - by default a new user profile is created when new instance of a browser is launched. It means that new browser instance starts with empty cache, no cookies, etc. Sometimes it complicates testing. If you are testing a Web application that requires SMS/Email code to authorize a browser then you will have to do it every time. Automation of  input of SMS/Email codes may be really hard. It is much easier to authorize a browser manually once and then run tests for long period of time. To make it work you will need to configure a permanent user profile for the browser used for testing. Learn how to do it for Chrome/Edge from this article.

Headless Chrome Testing

Headless Chrome on Windows  is introduced in version 60 . Learn how to configure Rapise to run cross-browser tests using non-GUI mode of Chrome.

How to automate Drag and Drop from Windows Explorer into Google Drive

Modern technologies allow to drag&drop files into a browser window to upload them to a server. Such a feature works for example in Chrome browser in Google Drive and Photo applications. In this howto post we'll show how to automate drag&drop of files from Windows Explorer to Google Drive opened in Chrome.

How to Install the Chrome and Firefox Extensions Offline

By default,  when you want to use Rapise to record and playback web tests using either Chrome or Firefox, you simply go to the appropriate web browser "store" and install the extension directly from the store. However sometimes you are testing web applications on a machine with no Internet Connectivity.

Turning off Chrome and Firefox Auto-Updating

When you are testing a web application against different environments, it can be useful disable to default browser auto-updating policies so that you have a stable testing environment. This articles describes how to disable the auto-updating policies of Google Chrome and Firefox.

Installing Rapise Browser Extensions without Internet Access

Normally you can install the add-ons for Chrome and Firefox directly from the browser's app store (just search for Rapise). This is the easiest option, and avoids the need to run the browsers in developer mode.

Spira PDF Reports Downloading Not Opening on Chrome

You may find that SpiraTest, SpiraTeam, SpiraPlan reports sometimes don't open on Google Chrome, but instead try and download instead, which can be annoying. This article explains the setting you need to change in Chrome to fix it.

Rapise 3.x / 4.0 Does not Connect to Chrome x64 Bit

When you try and connect to the 64-bit version of the Google Chrome web browser using Rapise 4.0 (or earlier) you may get the error 'Connection to Chrome Failed!'. This issue has been fixed in the Rapise 4.1 release, but for those customers using Rapise 4.0 or earlier, this article provides two solutions.

How to upgrade Chrome browser on Android emulator

Appium requires certain version of Chrome to work with. Even Android 7.0 is shipped with Chrome 51 and this is too old version. From this article you will learn how to upgrade Chrome on your Android emulator.

Debugging Rapise DOM libraries in Chrome using VS Code

Rapise can be extended with DOM libraries to add support for custom UI controls used in modern web applications.  Many of such applications work in Chrome browser. So there may be a need to debug Rapise code embedded into Chrome via Rapise Extension for Chrome. Most powerful and easy way to do this is to add VS Code into the equation.  From this article you will learn how to tie Rapise, Chrome and VS Code together.