Articles Tagged 'file'

How to use two different browser instances in one test

Sometimes, an automation scenario may require performing steps in two separate browser sessions that don't share cookies and cache. In this article, we'll describe how to manage multiple browsers within the same test script and switch between them.

Automating HTML File Upload Boxes

Sometimes you have to automate the uploading of files using an HTML file upload control. This article explains how to record and playback such a script.

Errors occur when trying to attach a screenshot or display "My Profile" page

SpiraTeam uses Java (tm) for attaching screenshots to artifacts and for adding a user logo or avatar on My Profile page.

If a current version of the Java Plug-In is not installed in your browser, problems can occur. 
Depending  on your browser, the source of the problem may not be clear.  For example, sometimes IE will report that  there is a problem with the page. This article explains how to update your browser's Java Plug-In.
This article can now be considered as obsolete.
The most of the browsers have removed Java applets from the standard functionality due to vulnerabilities, performance degradation, and other complexities.
How Are the Attachments in SpiraTeam Stored?

We often get questions about how the attachments in SpiraTeam are stored, and what the relationship is between the X.dat files on the file system and the original filenames. This articles provides information on this.

How to define a profile for Web Application in Rapise

Each web application is unique in terms of assigning attributes to elements and this complicates the process of generating XPath locators. Some applications assign dynamic IDs to elements, some use ARIA attributes and some do not, some values of class attribute have meaning related to element position and some just used for styling . There are also cases when an app contains hidden DOM layers which stack on top of each other. So usage of same set of attributes for generating XPath is not efficient and may lead to weak locators that break after application reloading or slight modification. To cope with these problems Rapise introduces Web App Profile. It is a simple JSON file of a defined structure that instructs Rapise how to build XPath for elements in a particular application. From this article you will learn how to define a profile for your web application.

Executing a Windows .BAT Batch File from Rapise

Sometimes you need to run a  Windows batch file (.BAT) from Rapise. Unlike an executable, you cannot simply use Global.DoLaunch() to execute it since it's not actually an application. This article provides the code you need to use.

Rapise - Cannot Find AllLibraries.json file during Recording/Playback

When recording or playing back a test script on a new PC you may get an error message that Rapise cannot find the path to "AllLibraries.json".This article provides instructions on how to fix the issue.

Reading the Details of Files on the Windows File System

In the KB62 article - Accessing Files using Rapise we explain how to access the names, versions and locations of files on the Windows file system. One customer asked - can we verify any file details other than version. This article provides sample code for accessing other information.

Note: if you have Rapise 5.5+ then you may simply use File.Info action.

Accessing Files and I/O functions using Rapise

Sometimes using Rapise you need to access files on the Windows filesystem, either for testing purposes, or to object test data stored in a flat CSV, TSV or text file. This sample illustrates how you can access the File System using Rapise and the Windows FileSystemObject (

Alternatively you may also use File global object.

How to set download folder for Selenium - Chrome profile

If your Web testing scenario includes file downloading you may configure `Selenium - Chrome` profile and specify which folder to use to store downloaded files. 

How to set permanent user profile for Selenium - Chrome/Edge profile

When you are recording/running a test via Selenium browser profiles in Rapise - by default a new user profile is created when new instance of a browser is launched. It means that new browser instance starts with empty cache, no cookies, etc. Sometimes it complicates testing. If you are testing a Web application that requires SMS/Email code to authorize a browser then you will have to do it every time. Automation of  input of SMS/Email codes may be really hard. It is much easier to authorize a browser manually once and then run tests for long period of time. To make it work you will need to configure a permanent user profile for the browser used for testing. Learn how to do it for Chrome/Edge from this article.

How to set path for local browser and mobile profiles

Since version 6.3 Rapise has support for local browser and mobile profiles. Using it you may package browser profiles along with tests. What if you want to reuse browser profiles between different projects? Or have sets of profiles for different situations? You may now set path to profile directory using a special global variable.  Supported in Rapise 6.4+