I have folder F that contains test case T and subfolder F1. I would like to move T into F1. How do ...
Hello, I have few questions regarding spira. I created a new release X.1 for a particular proje...
Hi, I'm new to SpiraTest and have just imported over 1500 test cases with the Excel import/export...
Hi Team, I am using spira test for the test management. whenever I tried to expand the collapse...
Hi there! When we wrote description of any ticket such as release, requirements, and etc, an imag...
(I did look here: https://api.inflectra.com/Spira/Services/v4_0/RestService.aspx ) We would like ...
Hello, I really like the change in folder management introduced in Spira 5.0. However, Ive...
I would like Inflectra to reinstate the functionality in SpiraTeam for customizing the sort order o...
Hi I cannot move test case folders to be below another folder, how do i order/move them ?...
I cant seem to reach the 3rd layer of inception here.
Folder: Earth North America...
1 posts
September 20, 2016