I'm just evaluating SpiralPlan. I can't find anywhere, where do register hours on task, each day. N...
An "Incident" -- which can be of type Bug, Issue, Risk, etc -- does not seem to be anything more th...
Hi, This might be a dumb question, but how do I make the "Actual" and "Estimated Time" fields for ...
We had a customer that was looking for a custom report to find all of the Tasks in SpiraTeam that a...
How can one define tasks independent of requirements? For example, I want to define and track ta...
I am currently doing some release planning for a new development project. In every re...
A user with the role Developer which has all permissions on tasks (Create, Modify all, Delete, View)...
Hi, I have a challenge relating to mappings between artefacts being lost when moving acro...
Hello, I have not used the Agile development features of SpiraTeam much at all. Heres my situatio...
After all the mapping was done, as stated in the online manual ref: Requirements are handled OK...
I am trying to use the "Task" functionality within Spira Team and want to create cust...
Hi, According to KB329 it is not possible to associate tasks in one project with requirements in ...
Hi! I just installed SpiraTeam 4.2 into my server which already had SpiraTest (and its lisence). I...
I have a user asking to edit a Task workflow. I cannot find this anywhere in Admin options.
2 posts
September 28, 2015
Hi all, Curretly we have SpiraTeam v6.12.0 and on Task Gantt Chart it doesnt shows tasks, which ar...
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