Articles Tagged 'spiratest'

What is Migrated by the TestRail Migration Tool?

We have had some questions asked about the TestRail migration tool. This KB provides some additional information about what is migrated and how the artifacts relate between SpiraTest and TestRail.

Fixing "The maximum recursion 100 has been exhausted" error in Spira 5.0 and 5.1

Customers running Spira v5.0 or v5.1 may experience an issue where the system will let you create test case folders that point to one of their children as parent. This causes an infinite loop which will break the system. This article provides a solution to fix the issue (though we recommend upgrading to v5.4 to prevent it happening in the future).

This article is obsolete.
The infinite loop issue was fixed in later versions of Spira.

Test Set Execution Status Not Updating When I Run Test Cases

Sometimes customers will contact us regarding questions as to why the execution status indicator of their test sets is not being updated (i.e. everything still looks as not run) even after running some of the test cases. This article explains why this might be the case and provides solutions.

Removing News Feed Widget from On-Premise Spira Installations

Some of our customers who have SpiraTest, SpiraPlan, and SpiraTeam installations wanted to know how you can remove the "News Feed" RSS widget from all users' dashboards since it was causing Spira to access the domain.

Sample Release Notes Custom Report

Customers sometimes ask us for a simple Release Notes report that can be used to display the list of new features and enhancements / fixed bugs in a specific release. We use a report like that ourselves to generate the Release Notes for our products (Rapise, SpiraTest, SpiraTeam, etc.). This article describes how you can create a similar report yourself

Creating a SpiraTest custom report with date values (no time component)

Sometimes you want to create a new custom report with a list of fields from SpiraTest that includes the date that a test cases was executed or the date that a defect was logged, but you don't want to clutter the report with the time part. Alternatively you want to join two tables on a date-time field where only a date comparison is needed.

Overriding Rapise Settings from SpiraTest

Sometimes you want to override certain Rapise settings (e.g. the Command Interval) from within SpiraTest. For example you might to run one test set more slowly than other test sets because the environment is slower. This article explains how you can easily pass settings values from SpiraTest to Rapise.

Upgrading Spira Editions - What is The Process?

Customers often ask us about the process for upgrading from SpiraTest to SpiraTeam / SpiraPlan or from SpiraTeam to SpiraPlan. In this article we address some of the common questions for both cloud and on-premise customers.

SpiraTest - GitLab Integration, What Synchronizes?

When you use SpiraTest with GitLab, the synchronization plugin synchronizes some fields unidirectionally and other fields bidirectionally. To clarify the details, this article illustrates which fields are synched and in which directions.

How do I Recover a Deleted Project in Spira?

Most of the artifacts in Spira are "soft deleted", i.e. they are simply marked with a deleted flag, and can be recovered easily by a project administrator using the Project History Changes option to review the changes, filter by deletes and revert the change. However when a system administrator deletes a whole project, it physically deletes the project and cannot be undone.

Running Selenium WebDriver Scripts using RemoteLaunch and NUnit
This article explains the process for running Selenium WebDriver test scripts written in C# using NUnit, RemoteLaunch and SpiraTest.
Running Selenium WebDriver Scripts using RemoteLaunch and TestNG
This article explains the process for running Selenium WebDriver test scripts written in Java using TestNG, RemoteLaunch and SpiraTest.
Resolving Issue When NUnit doesn't return results back to SpiraTest/Team
When using the Spira Add-In for NUnit that allows you to have NUnit tests report back automatically against test cases in Spira you may run into an issue where the results do not report back and no errors or warnings are displayed. 
Installing SpiraTest, SpiraPlan and SpiraTeam v3.x on SQL Server 2012
When installing Spira on SQL Server 2012 (any edition) using Windows Authentication, you may receive an error message "Cannot Create User" (or similar) during the installation. This is because of a configuration change in SQL Server 2012 (as opposed to earlier versions). This article explains the step needed to prepare SQL Server 2012 for installing Spira v3.x. Newer versions of Spira will not need this step as the installer has been updated.