Articles Tagged 'esql'

How to find product membership for a product but in the past

You may want to see what product membership for a product was like historically - what users in what role were able to access the product at a specific point in time.

Starting from Spira 7.13 it is possible to track product membership changes and use custom reporting to review this historical data.

How to add most recent comment to the Task summary report

This article explains how to get the most recent comment and add it as a column for an artifact summary report (if it is not already displayed).

Retrieving requirement associations

This article describes how to retrieve artifact's associations due to the dependency type that become challenging.

Creating a Custom Spira Report for Comparing Test Results

A customer asked us the following question:  "I run an automated test suite consisting of the same 250 tests every night.
I'd like to be able to run a report in the morning that shows me the tests that failed, but had passed the previous night.
How can I accomplish this using the reporting mechanism ??"

Using SubQuery (nested SELECT) in ESQL

You’ve probably encountered cases where it looks like you need another SELECT statement inside your main statement.
Is it possible to use nested SELECTs in ESQL? 
Yes, it’s possible!
In this article, we’ll explain the nested query (SELECT) and how to use it efficiently.

Create a report to display all artifacts across the system owned by a specific person

You may want to extract all the artifacts that have a specific person is assigned across all products, to see their current work. 
This article provides an example of such a report.

Connecting to PostgreSQL from Rapise

If you need to connect Database object to PostgreSQL database follow these simple steps.