Articles Tagged 'custom graph'

Graphically display the number of test cases in a test set

A customer in a webinar recently questioned how to get a count of the test cases in a test set that is not marked as completed. This KB article answers this request.

Summary graph by test execution status and build

To get a table that summarizes the test run count by status / by build, this article explains how to accomplish this.

Test Case Creation Productivity Graph

A customer asked is how they could run a report to display the number of test cases created per day for a specific date range. You can of course just run the test case summary report and export the data to Excel, but using Spira's custom reporting functionality, you can also do it inside the application.

Graph of requirements by status in open releases

This article explains how to create a graph of the number of requirements by status, assigned to any open release in a product, using the custom graphing engine.

Creating a Custom Requirement Summary Graph using ESQL

A customer recently posted on the forums that they wanted to create a similar graph to the built-in Requirements Summary one using Spira custom graphs and ESQL. In this article we include an example.

Writing a Custom Report to Display the Count of Incidents By Project and Priority

A customer of ours asked for a custom report / graph for displaying the count of incidents by project and by priority.

Creating a Graph of Automated vs. Manual Test Execution Durations

Sometimes you will want to get an idea how fast your manual and automated tests are taking. You can use the custom graphing feature to create a custom graph for this.

Pie Chart of Test Run by Status for Release

Sometimes customers need to show a Graph with all the Test Runs by status for a specific Release in Spira. This article explains how to use the custom graphing engine to achieve this.

Pie Chart of Incident Status for a Specific Component

Sometimes customers need to show a Graph with all the Incidents by status for a specific Component in Spira. This article explains how to use the custom graphing engine to achieve this.