Articles Tagged 'user'

Custom Report for User Active or Inactive Status Details

A customer recently requested help to create custom report to display all user ids, status of user ids(active/inactive), last time they login to the system and days they are not using their user ids. This KB article will help in addressing this request.

After restoring a backup of my database, I keep getting unable to login to database errors?

This usually just means that the restored database just needs to be linked to the existing database server login. This can be done by executing the appropriate SQL command listed below:

User Avatars are not visible to Guests in KronoDesk v1.1

If KronoDesk v1.1 was installed or upgraded before Patch #5, guests (users that are not logged in) cannot view user avatars.

Converting Recorded Steps into Functions/Scenarios

You have recorded some basic test scripts in Rapise, and now you want to easily extract the steps into a reusable function that can be called from the main test script. This article explains how you can do this for both RVL and JavaScript based tests.

Jumping to the Definition of a User Function

When you have a user defined function in Rapise, you sometimes want to jump to it.

My Actions are Not Recorded

By design Rapise tries to record user activity on the highest possible level. This makes recorded actions more readable and universal (often several lower-level user actions are combined)

Rapise uses a heuristics to distinguish meaningful activity from low level actions. In some cases this leads to a result that some user activity is not automatically recorded (for example, a mouse click before entering  text in a box). There is a broad range of available UI platforms and libraries. The variety of graphical widgets makes user interface robust and beautiful. Rapise tries to recognize as much objects as possible. However this range is growing and there are always widgets that are not being recorded.

Loading Users into KronoDesk from Excel using Rapise

We had a customer that needed to load in a batch of customer users into our KronoDesk service desk platform. The built-in Excel add-on is only able to import help desk tickets, not users. So in this article we explain how you can use Rapise to bulk load in the data using the KronoDesk REST API.

Creating a Report of All Users in the System

Sometimes you want to get a report of all the users in the system. The custom reporting system in Spira allows you to create a custom report of all the users. This articles describes the process for creating such a report.

Links in Jira to Spira no longer visible in new Jira UI

One of the features of the Spira synchronization service for Atlassian Jira is that it automatically adds relevant links to the user story and issue pages in Jira to make it easier to navigate from Jira back to SpiraTest, SpiraTeam, or SpiraPlan. Some users have reported these links are no longer visible.

Does Rapise work with Windows UAC?
If you are using Rapise on Windows Vista or Windows 7 it is not necessary to disable the Windows User Account Control (UAC) to use Rapise. Unlike some other automated testing tools on market, you can use Rapise with UAC enabled.