Articles Tagged 'test steps'

Creating a custom report to display test step execution counts

The build in reports in SpiraTest / SpiraTeam are primarily geared to display the # passes, # fails, etc. from the perspective of test cases. It assumes that even a single fail / block / caution of any of the steps constitutes a failure of the entire test case. However some of our customers were looking for ways to display the execution information at the test step level. This articles describes how to create a simple custom report to display this.

Custom Report of Test Sets, Test Cases, and Test Steps

One of our customers recently asked about creating a report that brought the test set, test  case, and test step in a specific format to help them with their test planning.  This KB article explains how this can be done.


Creating a Report of Test Sets, Test Cases and Test Steps in Hierarchical Order

Sometimes you want to get a report of all the test sets with their included test cases along with their test steps with the tests organized by the order in which they are displayed in SpiraTest. The custom reporting system in Spira allows you to create a custom report of all the test cases (by test set) and test steps sorted by test case order. This articles describes the process for creating such a report.

(There are different versions of the ESQL query to use based on the version of Spira that you are using)

Displaying Custom Properties at the Test Step Level

Spira allows custom property at the test step level. This functionality allows testers additional flexibility. When custom reports are designed, some customers prefer to show the custom property at the test step level. This article discusses how to structure the ESQL query to accommodate this need. 

Creating a Report of Test Cases and Test Runs in Hierarhical Order

Sometimes you want to get a report of all the tests executed along with their test cases with the tests organized by the order in which they are displayed in SpiraTest. The custom reporting system in Spira allows you to create a custom report of all the test runs and test run steps sorted by test case order. This articles describes the process for creating such a report.

Mapping Spira Requirements to Test Steps in Bulk Using Excel and Rapise

Of the unique needs of a requirements and test management system when working in the Defense industry, specifically when designing, building, and testing mission systems, is the ability to link individual test steps to the requirements. Since v5 of SpiraTest, this has been possible inside the Spira user interface, however many customers have been looking for a way to map test steps to requirements in bulk using Excel.