Articles Tagged 'table'

Working with HTML Tables containing Dynamic Data

Many web sites use HTML tables to display lists of tabular data. When testing such applications you will often need to dynamically search for items in the table to verify that the application under test performed correctly. This guide outlines best practices for accessing data held in HTML tables.

This article is obsolete. For dealing with dynamic table data please refer to How to define and use a dynamic Web locator article.

Working with WPF and UIAutomation Structures

It is a common situation that desktop applications written using Microsoft Windows Presentation Framework (WPF) will have complex layouts including tabs, splitters and panels having custom grids and tables inside. This article provides help in dealing with such situations, including how to dynamically find items.

Using Rapise to Validate Display of Data Grid Data

One common requirement is to run a query in an application being tested and verify that the data on the screen matches the data in the application. This article explains the recommended process for doing this.

Working with Selectable Lists

The behavior of list and combobox controls in GUI applications sometimes require additional attention. This guide explains the different types of combobox controls and best practices for testing them in Rapise.

Using ODATA to Create SpiraPlan Reports using Tableau and/or PowerBI

When using the SpiraPlan ODATA API to create custom reports in popular reporting platforms such as PowerBI and/or Tableau, customers have had some common questions. In this article we answer some of the most frequent ones.

Ways to deal with flaky tests

When you do UI test automation and create a big enough test coverage the probability of having certain portion of flaky tests increases. In many cases there is no reasonable way in terms of time and resources to mitigate all flakiness from the test coverage. In some cases even a flaky test may still be useful.

Executing a process and checking if it's still running

If you use the Global.DoLaunch(...) command to launch a Windows console application, it will return a process ID. This article provides some sample code for executing a console application and checking to make sure that the process is not still running.

How to save content of a table/grid into a spreadsheet file

If you need to make a copy of data in a Table/Grid object - you may simply save it to Excel file with a single function call.