Articles Tagged 'source code'

How to get the list of users that have a specific permission in a product

You may need answer questions like: who today is able to see the source code in product X, or who can bulk edit requirements. You can do so using custom reports. The example below answers the first of the above questions.

What's the Best Way to Test Out the Source Code Features During a Trial?

When you sign up for a trial of either SpiraTeam or SpiraPlan you can add our TaraVault source code management system as a free add-on.  This lets you initialize a new Git (or Subversion) repository, commit files, make changes and also view the branches and changes. In addition, trials of SpiraTeam/SpiraPlan also come with a built-in dummy test provider that simulates a source code repository. This is useful to see how the features work without needing to actually commit any code yourself.

This article explains the two different options you have for trying out Spira's code management features and provide guidance on which is best for you.

Forcing the SpiraTeam On-Premise Git Provider to Update

When you integrate SpiraTeam or SpiraPlan installed on-premise with an external Git source code repository, Spira has to maintain a copy of the Git repository locally. Sometimes you need to refresh this Git repo manually if an update did not complete. This article explains the process

Git TaraVault Repository Doesn't Initialize After Upgrade to v6.7

If you are a cloud SpiraTeam or SpiraPlan user and have been using TaraVault Git repositories, you may find that your existing repositories don't appear in Spira after the update to v6.7. This may be caused by an authentication issue that is easy to fix

Fixing 'Access is denied' and 'Invalid Login' error messages with Perforce Integration

When you use the Perforce Provider for Spira you may sometimes run into a Windows folder permission error. This is due to the Perforce API running as a specific user that does not have access to the Windows temporary profile storage area.

SVN Repository Stops Indexing With Error "Only one usage of each socket address"

When SpiraTeam or SpiraPlan is connecting to a Subversion (SVN) repository running on Windows Server, sometimes the Windows server will not close connections fast enough, causing the cache build to fail.

How do I provision new TaraVault projects?
Since TaraVault is an add-on feature to either SpiraPlan or SpiraTeam (hereafter just 'Spira') you use the Spira web interface to handle the provisioning of new TaraVault projects. This articles explains the steps.